TheELNConsortium / TheELNFileFormat

Specification for the ELN File Format
MIT License
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Incremental updates to .eln #76

Open SteffenBrinckmann opened 1 month ago

SteffenBrinckmann commented 1 month ago

How do we want to handle updates to the .eln?

My suggestion, use the couchDB system which prevents overwriting of competing changes. It is a simplified when it comes to git, which stores the entire change history.

It requires 3 additional key-values id: uuid_v4 rev: uuid_v4 old_rev: uuid_v4

If I send an update: I have to send the rev_uuid of the previous package. If somebody else changed the content and the package has a new rev_id, then I first have to pull that change, merge, and then can push my change with the now known rev_uuid.

How do we want to track, if content changed after the .eln import?