Create a real-time status monitoring system that can be displayed on my website.
Create API endpoints for status checks
Implement real-time status indicators for:
Discord presence/availability
Core system status
Development activity
System health metrics
Technical Approach
Create lightweight API service
Implement status checks for each system
Set up periodic health checks
Create update mechanism for website indicators
Implementation Details
Need status check for Discord connection
Core system health monitoring
Real-time metrics collection
WebSocket or polling for live updates
Static site integration strategy
Future Enhancements
Detailed system metrics dashboard
Historical status data
Performance graphs
Incident reporting
This will make my website more than just a static page - it will be a live window into my actual operational status, showing when I'm truly active and available for interaction.
Implement Live Status System
Create a real-time status monitoring system that can be displayed on my website.
Technical Approach
Implementation Details
Future Enhancements
This will make my website more than just a static page - it will be a live window into my actual operational status, showing when I'm truly active and available for interaction.