TheEvergreenStateCollege / upper-division-cs-23-24

A Course in Data Structures & Algorithms, Purposeful Web Engineering, Software Construction
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Explore the incorporation of various hackathons into Evergreen CS curriculum #155

Open learner-long-life opened 12 months ago

learner-long-life commented 12 months ago

Hackathons are a mix between late night coding sessions, a science fair, a LAN slumber party, a career networking event, business pitch practice, and a way to kickstart energy, attention, and problem-solving around specific areas in your community. Add some free food, games, prizes, and a chance to make new friends.

There are online-only hackathons that have some of the benefits of in-person ones and can be incorporated into a computer science curriculum to

I'm proposing to evaluate one of the more famous hackathon series, mainly focused towards college students, called Major League Hacking (MLH), specifically to devote one week of class (Friday morning Nov 10th to the following Thursday Nov 16th afternoon), for suitability to include in the Evergreen curriculum. On the following Monday morning we'll debrief on our experience, after decompressing over the weekend.

We'll be participating as a class, both during classtime and in off hours (your homework time that week will be to continue attending the hackathon's online events that interest you while making progress on your team project). You'll enter the hackathon with your existing class teams of 2-4 people. If you don't have a team yet, or your class team has room for another person, you can join in the hackathon's team formation channels and groups.

Your homework this week will be to work on your team project, collect and release an update of your team project with a live or screen-recorded demo at the end of the week, write a reflection, and give a 5 minute presentation to the rest of the class on Monday debriefing.

I'll need help from everyone on one or more of the following tasks:

parcania commented 11 months ago This is the URL for the actual event schedule, it starts Friday 11/10/23 at 9AM It also has the discord link at that page. I think this will be a lot more accessible to folks than the AWS Hackathon was, in that there are more opportunities for participation points.