During all normal class meeting times for Data Structures & Algorithms, there will be a Tech Incubator space reserved for all students working on Independent Learning with an in-program contract. For students who submit a contract to us, this will be your place to make progress on your project this quarter, and it will be your mutually-maintained co-working and startup space. Hacking, learning, sharing in mutual conversations, and feedback on co-creating this experience are welcome. We are excited to see how you make use of it.
Physical Computing Lab, Evans 2708
Monday, Tuesday, Thursdays: 10am-12noon, 1pm-3pm
There is a key available from the front Computer Center desk for access after 6pm as well.
The space has the following features: Adobe Creative Suite, Breakout Space, Chalk Board, Chromebooks (mobile cart), Computing Lab, Linux, Mac, Podium A/V, Podium Lecture, Projection, White Board, Windows PC, 3D printers
Participants are asked to take mutual attendance and provide written evaluations of each other at the end of the quarter, with feedback from faculty. If you are not able to make some of these meeting times, please arrange with your teammates to have at least one member present.
We're available today on-campus or by Zoom if you'd like to discuss the Tech Incubator or any other aspect of the computer science programs.
During all normal class meeting times for Data Structures & Algorithms, there will be a Tech Incubator space reserved for all students working on Independent Learning with an in-program contract. For students who submit a contract to us, this will be your place to make progress on your project this quarter, and it will be your mutually-maintained co-working and startup space. Hacking, learning, sharing in mutual conversations, and feedback on co-creating this experience are welcome. We are excited to see how you make use of it.
Physical Computing Lab, Evans 2708
Monday, Tuesday, Thursdays: 10am-12noon, 1pm-3pm
There is a key available from the front Computer Center desk for access after 6pm as well.
The space has the following features: Adobe Creative Suite, Breakout Space, Chalk Board, Chromebooks (mobile cart), Computing Lab, Linux, Mac, Podium A/V, Podium Lecture, Projection, White Board, Windows PC, 3D printers
Participants are asked to take mutual attendance and provide written evaluations of each other at the end of the quarter, with feedback from faculty. If you are not able to make some of these meeting times, please arrange with your teammates to have at least one member present.
We're available today on-campus or by Zoom if you'd like to discuss the Tech Incubator or any other aspect of the computer science programs.
Paul Lab I, 1002 2pm-3pm ET 4pm-5pm ET
Richard Lab I, 1014 2pm-4pm ET