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Is Big Data a Database? Differences between big data and database #413

Open christianfelicite opened 3 years ago

christianfelicite commented 3 years ago


christianfelicite commented 3 years ago


It is an organized collection of structured data. It is a collection of related information. DB stores and access data electronically. A database is stored as a file or a set of files on magnetic disk or tape, optical disk, or some other secondary storage device. It is an data structure that stores organized information. They are administrated to facilitate the storage of data, retrieval of data, modification of data, and deletion of data. It allows processing various data-processing operations. Databases bolster stockpiling and control of information. Databases make information administration simple. Any database developer with certain sets of syntax can process can work on the database.

Big Data

It is changing our world and the way we live at an unprecedented rate. It is the new science of analyzing and predicting human and machine behaviour by processing a very huge amount of related data. It refers to speedy growth in the volume of structured, semi-structured and unstructured data. It is estimated to generate 50,000 Gb data per second in the year 2018. The speed at which data has generated a need to be stored and processed efficiently. Big Data engenders from multiple sources and arrives in multiple formats. Big Data in a way just means ‘all data’. It can be described in terms of data management challenges that – due to increasing volume, velocity and variety of data – cannot be solved with traditional databases. It come from sensors, devices, video/audio, networks, log files, transactional applications, web, and social media – much of it generated in real-time and in a very large scale.

Can It Replace Database

A DB is a collection of related data. There are two types of databases – Relation Database Management System while other is Non – Relational Database Management System. Non-Relational Database is also called as NoSQL. We store different types of data in different databases. We store structured data in Relational databases. There are different types of relational databases like SQL, Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, Teradata. We store Semi-Structured or Un-Structured data into Non-Relational databases. We choose databases based on data types. If we are storing and capable of processing a very huge volume of data in databases, Definitely we can store and process Big Data through relational or Non-relational Databases. No, it is not going to replace databases. In one form or other we will be using SQL databases to store and process Big Data. In this regard, Big Data is completely separate from DB. Difference Between Big Data and Database

Given below is the difference between Big Data and Database:

christianfelicite commented 3 years ago

christianfelicite commented 3 years ago

christianfelicite commented 3 years ago