TheFinestArtist / FinestWebView-Android

Beautiful and customizable Android Activity that shows web pages within an app.
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Webview collapsing the web page #145

Open sennohananto opened 6 years ago

sennohananto commented 6 years ago

134407 Hallo, i have the site that use full javascript and beautiful CSS. But just show a very small part (see attachment). Am i missing any configuration?

my loader is : new FinestWebView.Builder(this) .webViewJavaScriptEnabled(true) .webViewJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically(true) .webViewSupportZoom(true) .webViewAllowContentAccess(true) .webViewAllowFileAccess(true) .webViewAllowFileAccessFromFileURLs(true) .webViewAllowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs(true) .webViewLoadsImagesAutomatically(true) .webViewAppCacheEnabled(true) .webViewDatabaseEnabled(true) .webViewDomStorageEnabled(true) .webViewCacheMode(MODE_PRIVATE) .show("");

romellfudi commented 4 years ago

@sennohananto did you solve it?