TheFinestArtist / FinestWebView-Android

Beautiful and customizable Android Activity that shows web pages within an app.
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showUrl(false) not working #5

Closed MohMah closed 8 years ago

MohMah commented 8 years ago

Hi, thanks for the awesome library! after calling .showUrl(false) it still shows the url below the title. and another thing that I wanted to have was that when using this with a Rtl language, dropdown menu items have left gravity and I think it would be great if you implement this into the builder to set the items gravity so it will work with Rtl languages.

TheFinestArtist commented 8 years ago

@MohMah Thank you for your report and suggestion. I will fix this issue ASAP.

  1. .showUrl(false) not working.
  2. dropdown menu gravity.
TheFinestArtist commented 8 years ago

@MohMah Just released 1.0.7 4a106e6b0f93a78db70e1685f4bb691e2872058b.

Fixed showUrl() and added more options menuTextGravity(), menuTextPaddingLeft(), menuTextPaddingRight ().

You might wanted to use just rtl(true) which will automatically reorder views from right to left. If the application supports rtl in manifest, you don't have to set rtl true in the builder.

MohMah commented 8 years ago

awesome, thanks! works like a charm