TheFiveMemberTeam / Retrograde-DarkOrbit

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status bar game state value is updated each turn, during server processing - US8 #47

Closed JacobAKnox closed 2 months ago

JacobAKnox commented 2 months ago

1 hr See diagram in mock ups, each POI has a multiplier for each status bar. status bar increases or decreases by multiplier * points allocated

JacobAKnox commented 2 months ago

It was my understanding that we would process POIs that look like this, where each of the 0s is a multiplier for that POI. '1': { name: 'name', allocated: 0, crew: 0, ship_health: 0, fuel: 0, life_support: 0, power: 0 }

It would probably be safer to store the multipliers elsewere

JacobAKnox commented 2 months ago

1: there are no tests that I can see 2: the function will immeditely error, pois and poi_id are both undefined 3: No bounds checking on the max and min vaule 4: Not actually checking what each player allocated, (player_id is unused) 5: poi_name and delta are unused