Currently Authentication is handle via the Express backend server and Redis and JWT. This needs to be migrated over to using the Firebase Authentication system
Acceptance Criteria:
When a user uses the signin form, and clicks submit:
The request will be sent to the Firebase Authentication System
If Successful, the user will be navigated to the home page
When a user uses the register form and clicks submit:
The request will be sent to the Firebase Authentication system to register a new user
If Successful, a second request will be made to create a user profile
If successful, the user will be navigated to the home page
When a user presses the Delete button on their profile
It will make a call to delete the profile from the realtime database
It will make a call to delete the user from the Authentication system.
Out of Scope
Signout is not in scope of this task because this is handled by the UI removing all tokens from session storage and the application
Currently Authentication is handle via the Express backend server and Redis and JWT. This needs to be migrated over to using the Firebase Authentication system
Acceptance Criteria:
Out of Scope