TheFunny / ArisuAutoSweeper

蔚蓝档案脚本 | Blue Archive Auto Script | WIP
GNU General Public License v3.0
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对主线关卡扫荡的支持 #10

Closed 5upernova-heng closed 6 months ago

5upernova-heng commented 6 months ago

不知道 AAS 未来有没有添加扫荡主线关卡的打算?

不知道有没有我可以帮上忙的地方。可以发一些 Help Wanted Issue

TheFunny commented 6 months ago


5upernova-heng commented 6 months ago


我可以帮忙写一个简单的,选定某一关然后扫荡的 task,如果你觉得没问题,我过几天就会提交 PR。 当然,如果你希望在扫荡主线上实现更复杂的功能,你也可以和我讨论一下,我或许能提上符合要求的 PR

如果你还是希望,这部分功能等你空闲下来自己写,我也表示理解。我主要是看到终于有基于 ALAS 框架的 BA 脚本了,能帮上一点忙,就想看看能不能帮帮忙。

TheFunny commented 6 months ago


需要使用的模块 stage 下的 ap list sweepui 下的 ui_ensure_index 函数。因为主线的识别区域不同,在创建 SweepList 相应实例时需要更改相应的识别图片。list 目前只接受数字的 index,故主线关卡 ocr 的 - 需要处理一下,有些关卡有 A 的也需要处理一下。可以的话,请把主线扫荡相关的文件放在 tasks/mission 下。

切换 Normal Hard 可以使用 switch 模块。

RedDeadDepresso commented 6 months ago

Hi, would it be possible to also integrate MCE-Manager into AAS or would it be a bad idea? MCE-Manager is just the GUI Mission/Commissions/Event section of my Blue Archive script BAAuto.

Here is where I explain in detail how it works

and here is the source code for the task

My plan was that when opening AAS it would also open MCE-Manager and when running Mission/Commissions/Event it would read the configuration in MCE/config.json. I will probably have to update the GUI in MCE-Manager by adding a refresh button in the queue so that it sync after running AAS. You don't have to implement it if you think it's impractical, but it would be nice to have.

5upernova-heng commented 6 months ago

看了一下 /bounty/sweep 的代码,感觉我可能 Python 有些生疏了,让我来写主线扫荡,我可能写不太好。还是等你闲下来写吧,我再多学习一下你的代码。