TheFunny / ArisuAutoSweeper

蔚蓝档案脚本 | Blue Archive Auto Script | WIP
GNU General Public License v3.0
185 stars 13 forks source link

希望加入momo和制造 #21

Open beibeikun opened 5 months ago

beibeikun commented 5 months ago


RedDeadDepresso commented 5 months ago

Momotalk is already implemented in the dev branch. You can try the dev branch by changing Brach:master to Branch:dev in ArisuAutoSweeper/config/deploy.yaml

As for Crafting, I think it's not a high priority, so it hasn't been implemented yet.

beibeikun commented 5 months ago

Thank you for your response. I tried switching to the dev branch, but it seems that the feature is not working. The program skipped the task and displayed "No students available for interaction" when there were still five messages remaining. QQ截图20240201193639 QQ截图20240201193702

RedDeadDepresso commented 5 months ago

Thanks for reporting the bug. I only play on the global server, so I'm not sure what the cause is, but I'll try to find a solution.

RedDeadDepresso commented 5 months ago

@TheFunny Does Momotalk work for JP? It seems the reason is NOTIFICATION_BADGE and maybe its position changed after the last update. Otherwise it means that self.match_color(NOTIFICATION_BADGE, threshold=80) in momotalk/ is unstable and it would be better to remove it.