TheFuzz4 / SmartThingsSplunkLogger

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Error adding smartapp in ST using Github integration #6

Open rlyons20 opened 6 years ago

rlyons20 commented 6 years ago

I forked this repo to my account, and when I try to "update from repo", I can see the smartapp, then I click "Execute update", but the app doesn't install, giving this error "Updated 0 and created 0 SmartApps (1 skipped due to errors)".

I can't actually find any error text in the logs, even though I had live logging up while I tried the update from repo.

I know that other smartapps I see on Github have a little more folder structure, and a couple of supporting files. Do you think that needs to happen for this one? Is Github integration working for others?


TheFuzz4 commented 6 years ago

I've been wondering as well what I could possibly be missing with this. As I am no coder this was just something that I wanted to get setup for all of us and have a nice simple method of using splunk with ST. I'll keep plugging away at this though and see what I can figure out. Thanks for your help with this.

rlyons20 commented 6 years ago

Tried again with the new structure, and same error. I suspect there's some error in the code that ST doesn't like, but it sure isn't telling us where!

TheFuzz4 commented 6 years ago

So someone just submitted a pull request to me to fix the folder structure of this so that it can update in SmartThings properly.