TheGameCreators / AGK-Studio

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Please Let AGK Studio Support Geany Editor #1126

Open monDieu999 opened 4 months ago

monDieu999 commented 4 months ago

The Studio -Editor- is the one single factor that prevents a lot of people from upgrading to Studio, due to it's assortments of underdeveloped feature and issues. If there's any TGC developers or Lee Bambers reading this: Please let AppGameKit Studio officially use Geany editor instead, which works great for AppGameKit V2 Classic.

I've tried using SFSW method here to force Geany Editor for AppGameKit Studio: Whilst it works to some extent, a lot of the limitation still lingers with this method. For example, there are still RAM limit, around 1.1gb (which is also a limit in Classic). Will throw Uncaught Exception error if we go beyond this. Also, we cannot change renderers. But, Anisotropic filtering, Antialiasing, and non-blurry mipmapping seems to work.

There are many very tangible benefit of using AppGameKit Studio -engine- over Classic's engine. Such as actually working Antialiasing, Anisotropic Filtering, non-blurry mipmapping, able to #render none to make server app, able to go above 1.1GB RAM limit, etc. But all of these got roadblocked by Studio Editor. It's such a huge shame. So please, let AppGameKit Studio officially use Geany editor instead.