TheGameCreators / AGK-Studio

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IPA Transporter Issue #937

Open sartsuk opened 2 years ago

sartsuk commented 2 years ago

When using the Transporter app to upload my ipa, It says FAILED, with the following messages:

ERROR ITMS-90163: "Invalid Code Signing Entitlements. The entitlements in your app bundle signature do not match the ones that are contained in the provisioning profile. The bundle contains a key that is not included in the provisioning profile: '' in 'Payload/xxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx'."

ERROR ITMS-90164: "Invalid Code Signing Entitlements. The entitlements in your app bundle signature do not match the ones that are contained in the provisioning profile. According to the provisioning profile, the bundle contains a key value that is not allowed: '4245WA8N82' for the key '' in 'Payload/xxxxxxxxxxx'."

ERROR ITMS-90164: "Invalid Code Signing Entitlements. The entitlements in your app bundle signature do not match the ones that are contained in the provisioning profile. According to the provisioning profile, the bundle contains a key value that is not allowed: '' for the key 'application-identifier' in 'Payload/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx."

I am 100% sure I have the right provisioning profile. So this error is confusing me.

any help would be appreciated.


orvillian commented 2 years ago

@shadowartsuk Which version of AGK are you using?

Have you been able to successfully upload IPA's in the past?

sartsuk commented 2 years ago

Yes, sure thing. I have done with no problems.

All procedures have been followed. I'm using AGK studio latest version.

Building the IPA is no problem.

Uploading it generates these errors.

orvillian commented 2 years ago

@shadowartsuk Have you tried reverting to a previous version to see whether the same problem still exists?

sartsuk commented 2 years ago

I'm going to do so right now and report back in a few minutes.

orvillian commented 2 years ago

@shadowartsuk Trying the version 2021.06.14 will be useful.

sartsuk commented 2 years ago

Hi, I just checked the last version on AGK Studio I used, and it's 2021.09.30.

So I'll see if I can use the version you just mentioned.

Thanks so much for this.


sartsuk commented 2 years ago

Just tried it, and still no Joy. Same errors with AGK 2021.06.14

orvillian commented 2 years ago

@shadowartsuk That suggest to me there is some kind of issue with the provisioning profile. Please run through everything and check all the details are correct, ensure you're using a distribution profile and review everything inside the iPhone Developer program e.g. app ID, certificate etc.

sartsuk commented 2 years ago

Ok I will do this.

Many Thanks

sartsuk commented 2 years ago

I've decided to delete the old provisioning profile and create a new one under:

1) Distribution ------> App Store.

This is right ?


sartsuk commented 2 years ago

New provisioning profile (everything checked) did not solve the issue.

orvillian commented 2 years ago

@PaulSJ Any suggestions on this issue? I haven't come across this error message in the past when uploading Tier 1 apps.

PaulSJ commented 2 years ago

@orvillian The multicast entitlement is used by the AGK Player so it can broadcast to the IDE, it's a special flag that requires approval from Apple, but thankfully it is not needed by the majority of user apps.

I'm not sure why it is enabled in this case, it should be separate from the main binary in an entitlements file, but the entitlements file generated by the IDE doesn't set the multicast flag last I checked.

orvillian commented 2 years ago

@PaulSJ Thanks Paul.

@shadowartsuk Please check your settings and see whether this multicast entitlement is used anywhere.

PaulSJ commented 2 years ago

This could be explained if the app is being exported from XCode rather than the AGK IDE, since the XCode projects do have the multicast entitlement set. If it is being exported from the AGK IDE than I don't know what could be causing it.

sartsuk commented 2 years ago

Good day,

Sorry I've been away. I'm definitely not using xcode on the export.

And there is no way I have enabled multicast entitlements.


bluesentinelsec commented 2 years ago

I had a very difficult time generating the provisioning profile to properly sign my IPA file and upload with Transporter. Here's what I did to fix it, hopefully this resolves your problem:

  1. Delete all certificates, identifiers, and provisioning profiles associated with this project from your Apple developer account and your local system.
  2. Download and install Apple's intermediate certificates found at the bottom of Apple Developer's Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles page:
    Worldwide Developer Relations Certificate Authority (Expiring 02/07/2023)
    Worldwide Developer Relations Certificate Authority (Expiring 02/20/2030)
    Worldwide Developer Relations - G4 (Expiring 12/10/2030)
    Developer ID - G2 (Expiring 09/17/2031)
  3. Re-create your certificates, identifiers, and provisioning profiles.
  4. Re-build your IPA and upload with Transporter.

Admittedly, this is a gargantuan pain. It might be an easier process if AGK Tier 1 could export a Xcode project file, and just let us build the project inside Xcode.

VirtualNomad19 commented 1 year ago

@sartsuk have you had a chance to try the Studio Version 2023.07.17?

since the release, others have reported successful export and acceptance @ the App Store.