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GameGuru Max - Request - Enhancement - Climbable (AKA Vaultable) Surfaces (Objects/Edges) #3421

Open Lemuripest93 opened 2 years ago

Lemuripest93 commented 2 years ago

Title speaks for itself, having climbable surfaces, such as jumping and getting to grip unto the edge of a roof, or platform - or anything really - would be super useful.

Edit: also please take note of fearlesswee's comment below.

This would mean you could have a new layer of versatility in terms of movement and most importantly - much more interesting level design if someone should desire to add a bit of platforming to their game, or maybe alternate paths to an objective? secrets? this could open up new paths across all the available genres in GGM (when available) as far as i see it.

How does it work? pretty much like the gif below, you jump, you hold the spacebar after jumping, you climb, easy.

This could be a behavior, essentially you pick an object, set it to 'Physics Off' and add the "Climbable/Vaultable Surface" behavior to it, and voilà you got yourself a handy climbable or vaultable surface/object.

Alternatively this could be a player setting, so basically when you tick off the "can climb" box under the player settings, any object in the players reach becomes climbable.

Both of these options are pretty much usable, for instance the first option would be good for a game with only a few platforming segments whilst the latter option would be good for a game where the player and level design is more flexible.

ggmpreyclimb (footage from the excellent Prey from 2017)

fearlesswee commented 2 years ago

I think most games call this "clambering", "vaulting", or "ledge grabbing", where the player can grab onto and pull themselves up/over any ledge/obstacle by pressing the jump key which helps with jumping over larger objects, quickly mantling over cover in the way, or crossing a gap if they just barely miss the jump. You can see it being used to great effect in the recent DOOM games (2016 and Eternal).

Tam51 commented 2 years ago

I also think it would be great if we could climb left and right when your on say a rock cliff face.

Lemuripest93 commented 1 year ago

Wanted to update this post a little with a new point of reference, 'Prey' is a great game and all but if there is one game recently that truly shows off the potential of this feature, it's 'Cyberpunk 2077' (as it got patched into a pretty solid game.)

Recorded some footage below in which i kill off some thugs by using some creative means instead of a direct approach. (Cyberpunk 2077 basically allows you to grapple unto any object that isn't nailed down, or at the very least isn't obscured by an invisible wall.)

Video Demonstration:

Basically the whole point of this feature is to allow people to make creative quest design and combat encounters, as well as adding a bit of parkour to their world.

Edit: As an extra note to this, the more i think about this, the vaulting option should essentially be a player setting, not a behavior - as all the other games i've seen this in makes every object in the players reach something you can climb.