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MAX - Inventory pages or "categories" #4265

Open fearlesswee opened 1 year ago

fearlesswee commented 1 year ago

Right now the inventory reminds me a lot of something from a survival game, like Minecraft, 7 Days to Die, or even early immersive-sims like System Shock 2; where everything is all on a single "page". In more RPG-oriented games like Fallout, Elder Scrolls, etc. you have different "pages" of inventory for different items; usually being weapons, armor, aid (consumables like food and potions), and misc. items (junk and quest items).

A user should be able to specify what these "categories" are and how many there are, and then the collectible settings could allow you to specify what "category" a particular item belongs to. I think this is already possible to a degree, but it would be nice to have it more "out of the box" so to speak.

Necrym59 commented 1 year ago

Is still early days but you can sepcify what container group items belong to or you can edit the container file directly in any spreadsheet editor