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GGMAX Enhancment - Crafting custom object drops #5256

Open SampeyFS opened 7 months ago

SampeyFS commented 7 months ago

Screenshot 2024-02-14 105108

When you go to crate dynamite and use it it doesn't work maybe it's a bug I don't know I wonder then it doesn't show up in the inventory when you collect it

SampeyFS commented 6 months ago

Update in practice when crafty the dimamite does not ( save ) Explode

Necrym59 commented 6 months ago

Try making a 'dynamite model with the behavior attached' and the setup resources to craft that entity.

SampeyFS commented 6 months ago

Riferimento nel nu

it does not explode if you crate dynamite

LeeBamberTGC commented 6 months ago

@SampeyFS Can you send me your custom objects for the ingredients, recipe and exploding product, I can then make a blank level and see if I can craft from the collected ingredients, then get the thing to explode. My email is if you do not want to share here.

SampeyFS commented 6 months ago

recipe Dynamite Timer User\Dynamite Timer.fpe imagebank\HUD Library\RPG\Dynamite_icon.png 10 5 none Coal,Rock,SulfurOre recipe

SampeyFS commented 6 months ago

dimanite sent it by email

LeeBamberTGC commented 6 months ago

@SampeyFS I have not made a level yet, but noticed the object you are making, the "Dynamite Timer", has no script assosicated so will pretty much do nothing:

;Saved by Model Importer ;header desc = Dynamite Timer

;orientation model = Dynamite Timer.dbo scale = 31.00 collisionmode = 1 defaultstatic = 0 materialindex = -1 cullmode = 0

;visualinfo textured = baseColorMap = alpharef = 1.00 normalMap = normalStrength = 1.00 surfaceMap = roughnessStrength= 1.00 metalnessStrength= 1.00 transparency = 0 doublesided = 1 renderorderbias = 0.00 reflectance = 0.04 basecolor = 4294967295 emissivecolor = 0 textureref1 = textureref2 = textureref3 = effect = effectbank\reloaded\apbr_basic.fx

;identity details ischaracter = 0 hasweapon = cantakeweapon = 0

;statistics strength = 0 explodable = 0

;ai aimain =

;anim animspeed = 100.00 animmax = 0 anim0 = playanimineditor = 0

;thumbnail thumbnailbackdrop = Grey thumbnailzoom = 25.824820 thumbnailcamleft = 0.385963 thumbnailcamup = 4.015162 thumbnailrotatex = 0.000000 thumbnailrotatey = 15.000000

SampeyFS commented 6 months ago

sis I would put it later

LeeBamberTGC commented 6 months ago

@SampeyFS Crafting does not work quite like that, all the logic needs to be ready in the spawned original object for it to work. Just assigning changes to an instance of this object in the level will not work.

SampeyFS commented 6 months ago

ah ok thanks i didn't know it's little i play games thanks for the info