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GGMAX Enhancement - Hints and Tips display on loading screens #5484

Open Necrym59 opened 5 months ago

Necrym59 commented 5 months ago

Hints and Tips should be contained in an TSV container file with possibly 3 fields : Image, Hint, Level Image: an image file refrence for a display image Hint: Text for the Hint/Tip Level: For hint display based on level of player relevence (optional for later use)

This allows for easy maintenance of hints in an easy to access text 'tab delimited" tsv file by game developers Images used can be kept in the imagebank folder or possibly in a _"hintimages" subfolder. For the item hint and image display a widget for the purpose will be needed for the hud screens.

The operation of the hint display will be ranmdomly selected from the hints tsv file selected at loading time. A further filter could be added to only display a random hint from the file based on the players level. (blank or 0 being all by default, and any other based on level)

Kraven3D commented 5 months ago

Can you please allow an option for the hint/tip "text" to instead also be an image file, so we can have better control over the look and design for them?

For example, if we want the hint/tip "text" to have a drop shadow or an outline, or even display small images within the text such as keyboard keys or small icons that are used in-game, such as:

"Press the [G] key to throw a grenade" or "Look for the [GRENADE IMAGE] icon around the map to resupply your grenades."

None of those things could be done with a text file alone.

Something like this:


Necrym59 commented 5 months ago

@Kraven3D I have allowed for an image file reference in the TSV file spec so an image can be used. Drop shadows and boxes can be incorporated as part of the image not part of the widget, lets not overcomplicate things just yet, lets get a system in place first.

Kraven3D commented 5 months ago

Drop shadows and boxes can be incorporated as part of the image not part of the widget

That's exactly what I asking, thanks @Necrym59 . I just wanted to make sure the hints/tips didn't HAVE to be added via a text widget, where their look and style would be limited to what the widget can and can't do.