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GGMAX Enhancement - Candle Effect #5490

Open imothep85 opened 2 months ago

imothep85 commented 2 months ago

I post his HERE because i don't know who created the candle effect. it's a BUG with the candle effect, it appear ALL around the candle object... at this moment the candle is useless... It also need a function to ALWAYS face the player to avoid the flat 2D decal view.


mav3r1ck1981 commented 2 months ago

open the .fpe file in the Max steam folder, go to entitybank/Max collection/Cellar and find the file Candlestick - old.fpe. click to open in notepad. Scroll down to find object1 reference, "Candlestick Old - Lit", edit out the spaces surrounding the hyphen, add them back in and save the fpe file. If you go back to the editor it will auto update.

Regarding the 2d flame decal not always facing the player, at present the decal is currently reading an older version of the "always face player" behavior and needs to reference Necryms latest version this can also be updated in the fpe in the same manner.

Failing these two simple changes, you can always create your own lit candlestick by placing the candlestick, the flame decal and a light source in the editor, grouping them and saving them out as a smart object which will save to your asset folder and can be used again and again. I did try to explain this to you in the Discord. It would take you less than 5 minutes to create your own and then its personal to your project rather than using a stock item with all of your other custom "work"

imothep85 commented 2 months ago

"grouping them and saving them out as a smart object which will save to your asset folder" where is that save option for grouped objects ?

i have this inside the candlestick old fpe:

`;Saved by Model Importer ;header desc = Candlestick - Old

;orientation model = Candlestick.dbo scale = 20.00 collisionmode = 0 defaultstatic = 1 materialindex = -1 matrixmode = cullmode = 1

;visualinfo textured = baseColorMap = normalMap = normalStrength = 1.00 surfaceMap = roughnessStrength= 1.00 metalnessStrength= 1.00 emissiveMap = emissiveStrength = 2.02 transparency = 0 renderorderbias = 0.00 reflectance = 0.00 basecolor = 4294967295 emissivecolor = 4294901248 textureref1 = textureref2 = textureref3 = textureref4 = effect = effectbank\reloaded\apbr_basic.fx ;physics shapes physicscount = 0

;identity details ischaracter = 0 hasweapon = isobjective = 0 cantakeweapon = 0

;statistics strength = 0 explodable = 0 debrisshape =

;ai aimain =

;spawn spawnmax = spawndelay = spawnqty =

;anim animspeed = 100.00 animmax = 0 anim0 = playanimineditor = 0

;thumbnail thumbnailbackdrop = Yellow thumbnailzoom = 1.000000 thumbnailcamleft = -0.643418 thumbnailcamup = 4.492610 thumbnailrotatex = 2.871419 thumbnailrotatey = 13.381233 `

Thanks for the help