TheGameCreators / GameGuruRepo

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GGMAX Bug - Item location not being updated when placed in container. #5498

Open Necrym59 opened 2 months ago

Necrym59 commented 2 months ago

When transfering an object into a 'chest' from the inventory, an entity items 'container' name should always reflect its 'current container name' location, and should be ammended in items entry, 'container name field' of the tsv file when transferred across. Currently it makes items not show up in chests in the same level or carried over to other levels as the container name stays as set initially in the tsv and isnt being updated.

Secondly:, the container selection "inventory:chest" is now redundent and no longer used and should be removed from the HUD container selection options drop down as the "inventory:container'' is the one used chest items.