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GGMAX Enhancment - Weapon & Arms Alpha Transparency #5509

Closed Necrym59 closed 1 month ago

Necrym59 commented 1 month ago

A need for the 'carried weapon and arms' to have the alpha channels set to 0 to make them invisible but still able to work as normal.

This would mean a simple command SetWeaponArmsAlpha(n) n being the alpha value (usually set to 0 or 100) so the Arms and carried Weapon is turned invisible. Having this command would allow for quickly enableing of games without arms and weapon showing on screen but still have the weapon firing capability.

It will have no need for special weapon creation, or special gunspec changes required or fiddling with files by users - "keeping the system simple". Having the weapon firing capability still active will open up genre styles such as arcade games, space simulation, aircraft flying, shooting games, etc where just a central targeting reticule or hud, selected via behavior is needed for aiming with a couple of simple behavior changes and one lua command.