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GGMAX Enhancement - Hide/Show/Size Particle Emitter & Lights Editor Entities #5529

Open imothep85 opened 1 month ago

imothep85 commented 1 month ago

When i'm adding particles to my level, we have some bugs

1 the PARTICLE generator doesn't GENERATE the particle preview when saving.... still not fixed after months of reporting that problem. 2 The particle emitter is TOO BIG & TOO VISIBLE i have to place small fire flames inside my torches, but the emitter is SO big and so visible opaque that it's IMPOSSIBLE to see the base of my flame SO i have to launch the level to test what i see, THEN go back to the game editor, adjust the emitter, run the game again etc... is it possible to make the red emitter more TRANSPARENT. ALSO it would be nice to have an option to HIDE the LIGHTS in the level, when i add my torches on the walls i add lights, then i add the particle emitter, BUT because the light is already there, it's HARD to see where the particle is exactly placed... the light hide the particles... particle emitter problem

particles   lights options


MonkeyFrogStudio commented 1 month ago

Your second point is already a suggestion here on GitHub:

You can already hide the lights in the editor (and still see their effect). On the left side, below the Level Objects area, is a bar entitled, "View Options". Twirl that down to expose the options there. The first set of tick boxes are called 'Game Elements'. The player start marker, zone markers, lights, etc., are all game elements. Untick the tick box under Editor and all those elements will be hidden until you tick the box again.

imothep85 commented 1 month ago

yes i know that we can hide the lights , but it HIDE also the emitters, i need to hide the lights to only place the emitters and see my particles there must be the possibility for the user to hide the lights separately from the particle emitters, if you want to place emitters where there are lamps it's difficult to see the particles if the lamps are present, in my case quite small fire particles.