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GGMAX Climbing problems #5546

Closed imothep85 closed 1 month ago

imothep85 commented 1 month ago

i put this topic here because i don't know if it's a BUG or not !

In my game i have elevated paths, for example in my cave some problems with the player when walking on flat surface with elevated angles... i tried every option of the climb angle, nothing works... from 10 to 100. The character when he start walking on those paths more high he get, SLOWER he walk and then he eventually stop ! if I walk too low or too high, the character sticks as if he were walking on strong glue ! I'm stuck with that problem.

climb_angle climb_difficult_on_flat_surface climb_difficult_on_flat_surface_02 climb_difficult_on_flat_surface_03

davetgc commented 1 month ago

This sounds like an issue with the custom media. You'll need to send it to Lee so he can test.

imothep85 commented 1 month ago

i solved that problem by adding little rocks in my paths like a stair it push the player when he walk in