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MAX - Player's hand sometimes stretches to infinity for a single frame #5551

Closed fearlesswee closed 1 month ago

fearlesswee commented 1 month ago


Had this bug for a while, but failed to capture it because it seems completely random.

Sometimes, regardless of weapon or hand choice, the player's hand will stretch infinitely long for a single frame, before returning to normal. This doesn't seem to happen with "legacy" weapons where the hands are a part of the weapon itself (i.e. the sci-fi weapons from the TGC Store do not have this issue.) so I presume it may have something to do with the new player hands system miscalculating a bone position or so.

Necrym59 commented 1 month ago

Already reported

fearlesswee commented 1 month ago

@Necrym59 Didn't see that, lol. I'll close this and instead add this to the original report.