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GGMAX Enhancement - Import of Existing HUD Screens #5553

Open Necrym59 opened 1 month ago

Necrym59 commented 1 month ago

Can the capability of importing an existing set of hud screens from one project to another be possibly implemented. While where at this can we clean up the buttons in the gui to a more friendly/logical order if possible. hudimport

mav3r1ck198-1 commented 1 month ago

It would be really nice if we could set up several templates for HUDS. For example, I could have a fantasy a scifi and a horror project in the works. It would be able to have genre templates that we could create and save.

Necrym59 commented 1 month ago

Having the facility to export/save a set of user made templates would also be a logical step later on perhaps, nice for importing with inter-project use.