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GGMAX Enhancement - Weapon Fatigue and Stats Boosting #5554

Open Necrym59 opened 1 month ago

Necrym59 commented 1 month ago

A facility to give Health to a weapon. It can be monitored for wear and tear until inoperable and even then repaired in games. Also other weapon stats for boosting could be introduced as well.

Either a Melle weapon or Gun can then be monitored for usage/health (wear and tear) and impaired or destroyed if exceeded. Useage health calculation could be based perhaps by (bullets used - Guns) or (strikes used or damage inflicted - Melle) in a global behavior for eg: gameweaponcontrol.lua or maybe within specific standalone global behaviors.

This can also be used for (wear and tear) of weapon/tools within a game (such as shovel or axe for example). Other behaviors can then check their health and apply loss or repairs etc by adjusting the 'weapons health value'.

MonkeyFrogStudio commented 1 month ago

Great idea!

Kitakazi commented 2 weeks ago

Yea this would be great to be able to view weapons stats and be able to "upgrade" the weapons.