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Allow Enemies to walk on water - NPC Swimming #5556

Open imothep85 opened 1 month ago

imothep85 commented 1 month ago

I discovered that enemies can't walk on surface with water, even if the water is very low, they stop and stay stuck forever ! I tested with my capsule the entity was walking in all the place but when the character touch the water it stops ! I tested with the zombie script the entity stop walking when it touch the water! ennemies can't walk on surface with water

synchromesh62 commented 1 month ago

That's not a bug .. The bug was when they could run in water but that was fixed. AI was running everywhere under the surface and as they cannot swim it was just daft and annoying. Lee added a blocker.

imothep85 commented 1 month ago

well in my case it's problematic i have SMALL puddles in my catacomb levels, and the entity stop walking and following me because of the water... i can understand that UNDERWATER the entity can't go...but steps on a small puddle....this is really problematic, i have another level where it's also small puddle everywhere....we need that to be working ! HERE you can see that entities stop walking because of that problem !

MonkeyFrogStudio commented 1 month ago

Then don't use 'water'. Since this is not a lake or an ocean, use a model for water, make it so it doesn't affect the nav mesh and place it in those areas. Then your enemies will walk through the shallow water.

Necrym59 commented 1 month ago

Yes do as Monkey Frog says or put invisible objects where the water is just above the waterline so a navmesh is generated, no navemesh is generated in water.

davetgc commented 1 month ago

@imothep85 - There are puddle models contained in the default media you could use instead.

synchromesh62 commented 1 month ago

You will also be doing yourself a favour.. Max water as puddles looks and acts terrible and to be honest does not look good in your video.