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Door Sliding #5567

Closed webdvdesign closed 3 weeks ago

webdvdesign commented 4 weeks ago

Hello, Is it possible to add a Display Prompt to the SLIDING DOOR behavior to have a local and screen display as well ? Can you add that function ? Thank you

Necrym59 commented 4 weeks ago

Done, update your steam workshop items to get the latest version

webdvdesign commented 4 weeks ago

Thanks, you succeeded, but the cross is missing when the mouse is on the object to be clicked, and the click is only possible if the mouse (cross) is on the object. This way, in my case, the drawers just fold and when I click on one, the other opens as well. Drawer1

Necrym59 commented 4 weeks ago

No changes were made to that area, and that scenario isnt what you asked about, it was never designed for doors in such close proximity. I would need the sample objects to test with if you can supply them,

Necrym59 commented 4 weeks ago

You can try this version it will crosshair only in manual mode

webdvdesign commented 4 weeks ago If you need anything else, tell me :) Thank you

Necrym59 commented 4 weeks ago

Did you try the supplied version as this does as asked

webdvdesign commented 4 weeks ago

Drawer Object

  1. (White cross) + shows a little below the object, it is possible to lift it up a little so that it perfectly shows when the point is on the object (it is the Green border where the beginning and where the end).
  2. (Red border) Can the text be fixed under the cross? as on behavior the "door rotate". Thank you! It will then be perfectly done and can be useful to others who want to create a drawer.
Necrym59 commented 3 weeks ago

Moved text to centre screen under crosshair - updated to core and workshop