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MAX - Winzone "Reset States" doesn't appear to do anything? #5584

Open fearlesswee opened 2 weeks ago

fearlesswee commented 2 weeks ago

I had asked if a "hub world" type approach was possible, and then made aware of the "Reset States" option in a winzone behavior.

I set up a quick test; a hub-world with a winzone to take the player to "Level1", and "Level1" has a winzone that transports the player back to the hub-world. The desired effect is that the player can visit "Level1", defeat enemies, collect loot, complete quests, and then return to the hub-world, and if they ever return to Level1, any dead enemies are still dead, any items collected are no longer present on the floor, any quests completed remain completed, etc.

However, despite the "Reset States" tickbox not being checked, the entire level is reset each time it is visited. Enemies are all respawned, collected items can be collected again, etc. If "Reset States" is then checked, nothing is changed.