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Max close without any warning #5587

Closed Peri32 closed 1 week ago

Peri32 commented 2 weeks ago

I've been waiting a long time for a script that can be used to create vehicles for MAX's large maps, and thanks to Necrym59 we got Speeder. But unfortunately, when I attach it to models and drive a bit in the test, the software suddenly crashes without any error message and I have no clue how to investigate it. I tried different models, including those that come with MAX.

Here is a video:

Necrym59 commented 1 week ago

Cannot replicate this, it isnt the behavior as far as i can see, it may be the model your using or a conflict with somthing else on your system.

Peri32 commented 1 week ago

Hi I tried different models also stock ones, I think its something about the speed I moving I am not sure