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GGMAX EXP - Possible bug with Occlusion & Object culling making object disappear. #5593

Closed imothep85 closed 1 week ago

imothep85 commented 1 week ago

the function inside the engine "Object culling" make objects flickering disappearing of some kind... They keep disappearing appearing all the time and it look like it's random...

EXP VERSION levels are destroyed

plemsoft commented 1 week ago

@imothep85 When did this start ?, its been in the exp a long time now ?. Also on the same screen could you try to check: "Debug" and "Debug Bouding Box" and record the same video with these on, thanks :)

imothep85 commented 1 week ago

its new its just now in the latest exp version, i can't do it right now because.... when i try to load my game the levels are ALL with the objects at wrong places, the fps has now drop to 13 & 20fps... before my levels where running at almost 100fps... so i prefer to not touch my game until the exp is fixed

synchromesh62 commented 1 week ago

@plemsoft I can replicate this kind of thing here when the Object Culling tick box is enabled. However my level is multi-textures and is a single Model I just don't tick that box as i assumed it worked for models in the distance but when its all one model I'm not so sure ? The Vid shows me ticking it on and off in the editor. Hope it helps bring something to light. PS .. In Game when i get closer the textures look ok again.

imothep85 commented 1 week ago

Not only the object flickers, with the occlusion culling & object culling bug, but ALL my levels objects are now at wrong places.... and it's a massive fps drop... from 100fps before the exp update, and now everything run at 12 to 20fps... fps storyboard

fps level

Necrym59 commented 1 week ago

@imothep85 "so i prefer to not touch my game until the exp is fixed" That is not very helpful in solving any problems, if your not going to be more forthcoming in trying to trace an error then the post will be deleted.

imothep85 commented 1 week ago

my game is now with all the object at wrong places, floating as you can see in the screenshot, i'm not going to take the risk to destroy 5 month of hard work on my game

Necrym59 commented 1 week ago

Well if you cant take the time to help us find what the prblem is then dont expect anything

imothep85 commented 1 week ago

help yes, but not to save my project

synchromesh62 commented 1 week ago

my game is now with all the object at wrong places, floating as you can see in the screenshot, i'm not going to take the risk to destroy 5 month of hard work on my game

As long as you have backed up the mapbank folder at least there shouldn't be a problem even if you destroyed the lot, although i backup the whole GameGuruApps folder on a regular basis ... You just copy it back .. Quite a few times i have deliberately scrapped a level I'm not happy with and reverted back to a earlier backup.

Or just load the map.. save as Backup-Test and use that one.

imothep85 commented 1 week ago

well i would like to know HOW is that possible that the engine moves the 3d objects and put them on wrong place...what part of the code does that....that a terrible problem i never saw in other engines.

synchromesh62 commented 1 week ago

well i would like to know HOW is that possible that the engine moves the 3d objects and put them on wrong place...what part of the code does that....that a terrible problem i never saw in other engines.

Yours is the only report so far of this particular issue ( which makes things harder to diagnose ) so if you want it sorted the more info you can give about your level the better. Remember Lee has to try to replicate your issue to fix it.

imothep85 commented 1 week ago

As I said, I didn't do anything, I just loaded the levels, and I saw all my objects floating, in the wrong place, it happened once when the update was done, and the second tile everything was back to normal and now everything floats again.

Objects are moved VERTICALLY on the y axis, not horizontally BUT just vertically. And its on my 10 levels...

imothep85 commented 1 week ago

Here i show in this video, the horror of what is happening NOW with the latest EXP version of ggmax !

ALL my levels (10 levels of my game) ALL MY BACKUPS have the same problem, ALL. The OBJECTS are misplaced, in the Y axe. In this video i show the level THE CAVE, all the cables, are now floating... others props metals parts of my environment are floating....etc

The rest of my game is now pure crap, everything is destroyed, at wrong place....

plemsoft commented 4 days ago

For the record: the original issue here with occlusion and flickering objects was fixed and will be in the next update. Also the problem from synchromesh62 was also fixed, @LeeBamberTGC In the latest commits.

imothep85 commented 4 days ago

Thanks to all of you :D