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Lives Question .. Test Game VS Standalone #5594

Closed synchromesh62 closed 19 hours ago

synchromesh62 commented 1 week ago

@LeeBamberTGC Hi Lee Just a Query really and I'm guessing there is a good reason for this but i will ask anyway :) In Test Game when you die you are respawned back exactly at point of death and the game continues. As the vid shows But in standalone if you set ( 2 lives for example ) you will be respawned back at the Star Marker on death. Is it at all possible to respawn at point of death with the set 2 Lives in standalone ( Like Test Game ) and then the game ends after the set 2 lives or does standalone rely on the Start Marker for the respawn ?

LeeBamberTGC commented 1 week ago

@synchromesh62 That is interesting. Some work has been done in the DEVTEST build to clean up how player lives and restarts work. There is no support for the player starting off from the position they died, that would need to be a feature request. It could be the script you are using the move the player on the platform is moving you back to the last known position.

The system is that if you have lives of zero, you have infinite lives and start at the start marker when you die. If you have checkpoint zone and enter one of them, you will restart at the last entered checkpoint zone. If you have specified lives (1 or more) then in Test Game you will still be given infinite lives, but in standalone your lives will count down and then you get the game over screen when you run out of lives.

synchromesh62 commented 1 week ago

@synchromesh62 That is interesting. Some work has been done in the DEVTEST build to clean up how player lives and restarts work. There is no support for the player starting off from the position they died, that would need to be a feature request. It could be the script you are using the move the player on the platform is moving you back to the last known position.

The system is that if you have lives of zero, you have infinite lives and start at the start marker when you die. If you have checkpoint zone and enter one of them, you will restart at the last entered checkpoint zone. If you have specified lives (1 or more) then in Test Game you will still be given infinite lives, but in standalone your lives will count down and then you get the game over screen when you run out of lives.

Oh WOW your right and i was wrong ... This does only happen on the moving platform. Apologies .. For some reason i thought they always spawned where they died in test game. It just happens this stood out as i always get killed on that platform :)

Necrym59 commented 6 days ago

I have now made a behavior to respawn at the point of player death that is used in tandem with the Spawn Marker system.

synchromesh62 commented 6 days ago

@LeeBamberTGC Hi Lee .. If you thought that was interesting then this will blow your mind. Once again Necrym59 does the Amazing !! Surely he should have complimentary Dev Status by now :) from that little oddity i accidently found on the platform behaviour Necrym turned it into a feature. Standalone ... 3 lives ... Spawn where you die .. then Game Over

LeeBamberTGC commented 5 days ago

@synchromesh62 Can you send me that exact FPM level of the 3 lives and game over so I can make a standalone and reproduce, thanks!

synchromesh62 commented 5 days ago

@synchromesh62 Can you send me that exact FPM level of the 3 lives and game over so I can make a standalone and reproduce, thanks!

Hi Lee Here is the map I used but you do need to set up a "User Defined Global Text" in the Hud first. Necryms instructions are included in the zip and the behaviours etc should already be in the build.

Just to clarify This is not a Bug Since i showed Necrym the respawning on the platform he made some Spawning Behaviours so we could actually use this in games as the 3 lives video showed :)

Necrym59 commented 1 day ago

This is now fixed in the platform behavior to release the player upon death to spawn as per the default system. The only way now is to use the Respawn_inplace behavior in tandem with the Spawn_locator for in place respawns.

synchromesh62 commented 19 hours ago

This is now fixed in the platform behavior to release the player upon death to spawn as per the default system. The only way now is to use the Respawn_inplace behavior in tandem with the Spawn_locator for in place respawns.

Confirmed and your respawn behaviours are amazing !! Works like a charm ..