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GGMAX Bug - Model import tool bug #5596

Open Peri32 opened 6 days ago

Peri32 commented 6 days ago

Hi, I'm having trouble with the Max import tool. When I import models and use the rotation tool within the importer, the models seem to lose their collision data. This happens when I place the models in the map and enable physics at the test level - the models fall through the floor as if they have no collision, I made few tests and if I don't use the rotation is all normal.

Necrym59 commented 5 days ago


LeeBamberTGC commented 4 days ago

@Peri32 Can you attach here one of your models that when rotated ruin the collision, thanks!

Peri32 commented 4 days ago

It happen with every model I tried for example the stock Max Jeep, if you load it into the import tool and rotate it 180 and on the map turn on the phiysics it will just fall into the ground, my goal with the rotation was to fit some models to the speeder script diretion and this is how I found it, I tried it with DBO max models and also external X models 1