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Terrible bright yellow lights and big black shadow #778

Open BodRH opened 4 years ago

BodRH commented 4 years ago

I stupidly loaded from steam and got another update I didn't know about or want and GG is ruined for me again, all my subtle light sources in my Medieval WIP are now bright yellow and there is a huge black shadow following the player, also my driveable vehicles in my test level are falling through the roads and carpark yet again.

plemsoft commented 4 years ago

@BodRH Thanks for reporting this,

There has not been any updates to the "release" version only the beta , could you let me know what version your using , thanks.

Also a screenshot of the "light" and the Shadow would really help. also about you "driveable vehicles" dont you normally edit the setup.ini to make changes from the defaults ?

plemsoft commented 4 years ago

@BodRH Just tested your "driveable vehicles" script and it do not sink into the roads here in the latest PP ?

Also checked your older posts , and normally you change the setup.ini and set speedshadows to 0, to fix the shadow issues on fast moving objects.

Anyway let me know what version your on :)

BodRH commented 4 years ago

When I went on steam GG started to update, now when loading it is "May Fixes 2020.05.01" as I don't have access to any GG social media I never know about any updates or what's in them. Here are some pictures of what I mean for my WIP first one is what it looked like before. As for the driverables I change the speedshadows as discussed previously and have tried both settings for drawcalloptimiser, both have the same result of the vehicles falling through the roads to the terrain in the large test level, if I start a new level and put a vehicle in it the problem isn't there, as it's never going to be a game it's not much of a problem, it's just annoying. 00001 00002 00003 00004

plemsoft commented 4 years ago

@BodRH It looks like a lightmapper issue , are you using real-time or lightmapper ? if lightmapper , try to lightmap it again and check if that fix it. If you use real-time , try to check tab-tab it it say 'real-time".

plemsoft commented 4 years ago

@BodRH BTW: your currently using the beta , if you dont want new updates before release you can set this in steam so you only use the "release" versions :)

BodRH commented 4 years ago

It is lightmapped and I did re-lightmap but it's exactly the same in every level of the game, ugly yellow lights and yellow hue to everything, as there will be a new graphic engine with MAX I will just shelve this project until the September release, thanks for your time.