TheGerbil21 / firstfastpages

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Week 18 Blog Updates and Improvements - Jeffrey Lee #16

Open TheGerbil21 opened 1 year ago

TheGerbil21 commented 1 year ago
jm1021 commented 1 year ago

I like the CPT grading summary. Explaining complexity is something that needs to be practiced all the time. For instance, where is the View portion of this review ticket.

On the OOP, I see login oriented data. That would not represent a feature. See slack.

I don't see View or anything from your group that makes me think you are remotely on track for this assignment.

rey444 commented 1 year ago

Graded By: Shreya Sapkal


Nice teamwork with creating the scrum board with roles and responsibilites. However, there wasn't any link to you guys' team repository/site, so maybe consider linking that. I viewed the group's site because Samit ran it locally on his machine, and it looked like progress was being made because there was a log in page where users could enter in their information. Your OOP hacks and notes looked very thorough, and so did your CPT scoring. Great job!

sarahliu2006 commented 1 year ago

3/3 (Aiden Huynh) +1 college board grading +1 OOP hacks +1 Scrum board and groupsite Aiden has shown through his fastpages that he has completed the grading, hacks and has shown his work through his groupsite. His links all work and easy to access. Next time, I prefer you to create a review ticket that includes the link to your fastpages. This way it is easier to view comments and feedback from other people.