TheGreatMcPain / TheGreatMcPain-overlay

My Personal Gentoo Overlay (mirror)
GNU General Public License v2.0
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discord-wayland update 0.0.20 #14

Closed fraschm1998 closed 1 year ago

fraschm1998 commented 1 year ago

Can't run discord as the update dialog keeps popping up, tried changing the build myself to 0.0.20 but am getting: newbin: /var/tmp/portage/net-im/discord-wayland-0.0.20/files/ does not exist.

fraschm1998 commented 1 year ago

I also get this message while trying to run 0.0.19:

[25509:0917/] posix_spawn: No such file or directory (2)
Discord 0.0.19
[25487:0917/] Failed to call method: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get: object_path= /org/freedesktop/portal/desktop: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs: No such interface “org.freedesktop.portal.FileChooser”
[25487:0917/] Failed to read portal version property
Starting app.
Starting updater.
[Modules] Modules initializing
[Modules] Distribution: remote
[Modules] Host updates: disabled
[Modules] Module updates: enabled
[Modules] Module install path: /home/massimo/.config/discord/0.0.19/modules
[Modules] Module installed file path: /home/massimo/.config/discord/0.0.19/modules/installed.json
[Modules] Module download path: /home/massimo/.config/discord/0.0.19/modules/pending
[25722:0917/] Passthrough is not supported, GL is egl, ANGLE is
[Modules] No updates to install
[Modules] Host is up to date.
[Modules] Checking for module updates at
[Modules] No module updates available.
Module ./ElectronTestRpc was not included.
[WebContents] crashed (reason: crashed, exitCode: 11)... reloading
Module ./ElectronTestRpc was not included.
[WebContents] double crashed (reason: crashed, exitCode: 11)... RIP =(
TheGreatMcPain commented 1 year ago

I just pushed net-im/discord-wayland-0.0.20.

Please reopen if it doesn't work.