TheGrowthHackersNovigo / Shireen_Day_2

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Shireen_Day_2 #1

Open Shireen2211 opened 5 days ago

Shireen2211 commented 5 days ago

Assignment questions:

1 | Read and Check if a given number is prime. Display the result with appropriate message. 2 | Find the factors of a given number 3 | Create a program to find LCM of two numbers 4 | Create a program to identify a Leap Year 5 | Create a Program to find the Largest of Three Numbers 6 | Create a calculator using UiPath which takes three inputs. Num1, Num2 and Operation (A, S, M, D). Show the output in a message box as a statement. For e.g. – The sum of Num1 and Num2 is Result 7 | Create a program to read N and find Sum of first N Numbers 8 | Create a simple calculator which takes 2 values as input and find the sum of those two numbers.   Use different workflows to Read Numbers and Calculate sum Show the final sum message box in Main flow  Declare the variables & Arguments as per naming conventions   Solve the following problems using both Sequence and Flowchart 9 | Read student mark out of 100 and Calculate the Grade based on the following conditions: Mark Grade >80 A+ >60 A >50 B <50 C | Mark | Grade | >80 | A+ | >60 | A | >50 | B | <50 | C Mark | Grade

80 | A+ 60 | A 50 | B <50 | C

10 | Read total trip Kms and calculate the Trip fare based on following rate card Kms Rate Upto 5 Kms 50 Rs flat rate < 20 Kms Per Km 9 Rs < 100 Kms Per Km 8 Rs >100 Kms Per Km 6 Rs | Kms | Rate | Upto 5 Kms | 50 Rs flat rate | < 20 Kms | Per Km 9 Rs | < 100 Kms | Per Km 8 Rs | >100 Kms | Per Km 6 Rs Kms | Rate Upto 5 Kms | 50 Rs flat rate < 20 Kms | Per Km 9 Rs < 100 Kms | Per Km 8 Rs

100 Kms | Per Km 6 Rs

11 | Read the Number of completed years of Service of Employee, calculate the Bonus % based on the following: Years of Experience Bonus % < 1 Not Eligible <5 10 %  <10 15% >10 25% | Years of Experience | Bonus % | < 1 | Not Eligible | <5 | 10 % | <10 | 15% | >10 | 25% Years of Experience | Bonus % < 1 | Not Eligible <5 | 10 % <10 | 15%

10 | 25%

12 | Calculate the income tax for Employee based on his/her CTC CTC Income Tax < 250000 No Tax <500000 5% <1000000 20% >1000000 25% | CTC | Income Tax | < 250000 | No Tax | <500000 | 5% | <1000000 | 20% | >1000000 | 25% CTC | Income Tax < 250000 | No Tax <500000 | 5% <1000000 | 20%

1000000 | 25%

13 | Read N and display all the prime numbers up to N.

14 | Read N and display all the Fibonacci series up to N

15 | Build a workflow for a 'Guessing Game' with the following conditions: Generate a random number and prompt the user to input a number.  In case of a wrong input, a message is displayed to the user stating, 'Please enter a lesser/greater number'. The loop keeps on running until the input number equals to the generated number.

Completed : All the 15 assignment sequences Remaining : flowcharts from assignment 8

Shireen2211 commented 5 days ago

Uploaded flowcharts for the assignment 14 and 15

Shireen2211 commented 5 days ago

Uploaded flowcharts for the assignments 9,10,11,12,13 Remaining - Need to do some changes in 13th assignment

Shireen2211 commented 5 days ago

updated all the flowcharts updated the variable name in the correct format added a flag instead of infinite condition in assignment 3

Shireen2211 commented 5 days ago

Updated Question1

Shireen2211 commented 4 days ago

Completed question 13 flowchart

Prithveesh-sa commented 3 days ago

Comments based on Best Practices and working of code.

  1. Logical error: Assignment 13
  2. Variable Naming Convention.
  3. Boolean Condition needs to be declared to a variable and then the same variable needs to be used in if condition.
  4. Use Less of Break Activity
  5. Flowcharts should be formatted from left to right or top to bottom.
  6. Need to Improve Commit Message while committing to GitHub.
  7. Try using Normal For Loop instead of parallel For Loop.
  8. Project Naming Convention.