TheHipbot / docker-web2py

web2py Docker files
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Making this work with a valid cert #3

Closed absolutejam closed 7 years ago

absolutejam commented 7 years ago


I've tried simply mounted my own cert directory over the top of the /etc/nginx/ssl directory (To replace the .crt and .key file) but the pages aren't accessible when doing this. Is there a quick and easy way to get up and running with a valid cert?


absolutejam commented 7 years ago

Okay, HTTP is serving just fine when I overwrite the .key and .crt file, but HTTPS isn't. If I wget from inside the container, I just get 'ERROR 400: Bad Request', but netstat -antu shows that the container is listening on port 443.

Is this because I don't have a .info file?

absolutejam commented 7 years ago

Nevermind, user error! Looks like my reverse proxying was bad. I had an issue originally with the certs which I resolved and then the second issue was unrelated.

absolutejam commented 7 years ago

Just for information, my docker-compose.yml overwrites the /etc/nginx/ssl folder with one stored on the host machine.

version: '2'

    image: thehipbot/web2py
      - 8000
      - 443
      - 80
      - "./ssl:/etc/nginx/ssl:ro"
    network_mode: "bridge"

and I have an nginx container also on the same network that is linked to this container and proxies requests across.