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[Feature Request] Possible to add user to multi-org using SSO #2086

Open azgaviperr opened 3 years ago

azgaviperr commented 3 years ago


Currently it is not possible to create a multi-Org user using SSO.

That's could be an handy feature for MSSP or multi tenant Organisation.

Using a Workaround with Shuffle for now.

Use to be A bug report because I was lacking insight on how Keycloak Works

Request Type


Work Environment

Question Answer
OS version (server) Docker SWARM
OS version (client) Viperr,
Virtualized Env. True
Dedicated RAM 16 GB
vCPU 8
TheHive version / git hash 4.x, hash of the commit
Package Type RPM, DEB, Docker, Binary, From source
Database Cassandra
Index type Elasticsearch
Attachments storage Local (GlusterFS)
Browser type & version If applicable

Problem Description

After setting up SSO I am able to connect with an new user on thehive and create it's profile and Org. I got a multiple Org instance. Only the default Org is taken into consideration.

However the user.organisationFieldName: organisation is ignored while the user.profileFieldName: profile is working properly .

I am using Keycloak and added those info as attribute.

I was also unable to create a multi org account. (like an user who could be in 2 Org as Org-admin and Admin on the admin org)

Steps to Reproduce

  1. setup SSO with keycloak
  2. configure the autocreation
  3. Try to login using a user defined in Keycloak with a secondary ORG (different than the default)

Possible Solutions

No idea

Complementary information

user.autoCreateOnSso: true
user.profileFieldName: profile
user.organisationFieldName: organisation
user.defaults.profile: read-only
user.defaults.organisation: Org1
auth {
  providers: [
    {name: session}
    {name: basic, realm: thehive}
    {name: local}
    {name: key}
      name: oauth2
      clientId: "thehive"
      clientSecret: "supersecret"
      redirectUri: ""
      responseType: "code"
      grantType: "authorization_code"
      authorizationUrl: "http://sso/auth/realms/demo/protocol/openid-connect/auth"
      authorizationHeader: "Bearer"
      tokenUrl: "http://sso/auth/realms/demo/protocol/openid-connect/token"
      userUrl: "http://sso/auth/realms/demo/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo"
      scope: ["openid", "email"]
      userIdField: "email"
      userOrganisationFieldName: "organisation"
      profileFieldName: "profile"
azgaviperr commented 3 years ago

I am wondering if it's not because user use the api/v1 and not organisations

vdebergue commented 3 years ago

With the default configuration of keycloak, the custom user attribute organisation is not sent by keycloak server to thehive server.

I managed to have the auto user creation to work with keycloak by adding a mapper to the client and using your configuration:


Note that thehive user autocreate only adds the user to one organisation

azgaviperr commented 3 years ago

Thanks that helped, however this can't be use to create multi org account

vdebergue commented 3 years ago

Yes you are right, the creation of multi org users is not yet supported when using the sso autocreate feature

azgaviperr commented 3 years ago

Ok thanks, that's fine, gonna changed the ticket to Feature Request. As it wasn't a bug, just me being dumb. Thanks @vdebergue

marcoordonez0703 commented 3 years ago

Hey guys, @azgaviperr I have a question about your setup.

I am also using Keycloak for this and the field user.profileFieldName: profile on Keycloak side can be either "org-admin", "analyst" or "read-only". However, user auto-creation fails because keycloak sends a list with one sting and the Hive expects a string.... ["analyst"] --> "analyst"

How did you get around this? or are you sending only "analyst" as the profile to be created?

thanks in advance.

azgaviperr commented 2 years ago

It should be now possible to do that without tweak from last update of thehive. I was using a mapper as string as workaround

cunhaac commented 1 month ago

Any updates about this feature? @nadouani