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[Bug] Export event to MISP #2405

Open Linow974 opened 1 year ago

Linow974 commented 1 year ago

Request Type


Work Environment

Question Answer
OS version (server) Debian
OS version (client) Ubuntu
Virtualized Env. True
Dedicated RAM 4 GB
vCPU 2
TheHive version / git hash 4.1.19-1
Package Type DEB
Database Cassandra
Index type Lucene

Problem Description

I have already exported several events on TheHive to MISP without problem. However, I changed my MISP server and had to delete all events. So I wanted to re-export the events, but it shows me the error on TheHive:


I even tried to export to another MISP server, but it does the same thing! As soon as an event is exported once, I can no longer export it a second time.

In log I have :

2022-07-20 13:24:48,354 [ERROR] from org.thp.scalligraph.ErrorHandler in [|3454b9fa] Internal error
play.api.libs.json.JsResultException: JsResultException(errors:List((,List(JsonValidationError(List('Event' is undefined on object: {"saved":false,"name":"Could not add Event","message":"Could not add Event","url":"/events/add","errors":{"Event":{"extends_uuid":["Invalid event ID provided."]}}}),WrappedArray())))))
        at play.api.libs.json.JsReadable.$anonfun$as$2(JsReadable.scala:25)

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Choose a case event
  2. Export with MISP

Possible Solutions

I thought this was because MISP keeps a blocklist of deleted events, but that's not the case because I tried with a new, empty MISP server. So I think the problem comes from TheHive