TheHolyWaffle / TeamSpeak-3-Java-API

A Java wrapper of TeamSpeak's 3 server query API.
MIT License
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Weird error message i never got. #305

Closed adrian-abit closed 4 years ago

adrian-abit commented 5 years ago

Hi, i made an Teamspeak bot and 2-4 Weeks everything went well, but now i get this error Message:

2019-01-19 07:16:41.021 [DEBUG] TS3 command error: {msg=insufficient client permissions, id=2568, failed_permid=222} 2019-01-19 07:16:41.025 [ERROR] Event listener threw an exception com.github.theholywaffle.teamspeak3.api.exception.TS3CommandFailedException: A "clientpoke" command returned with a server error.

insufficient client permissions (ID 2568), failed permission with ID 222 at com.github.theholywaffle.teamspeak3.api.CommandFuture.checkForFailure( at com.github.theholywaffle.teamspeak3.api.CommandFuture.getUninterruptibly( at com.github.theholywaffle.teamspeak3.TS3Api.pokeClient( at$1.onClientMoved( at at com.github.theholywaffle.teamspeak3.EventManager$ at com.github.theholywaffle.teamspeak3.TS3Query.lambda$submitUserTask$0( at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ at at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ at

what could it be?

My Bot asks at every Move if someone moved into a specific channel and then pokes Staff on the Server,

Tumbledore commented 5 years ago

Hey, this „insufficient client permissions (ID 2568), failed permission with ID 222“ sounds more like an Error with the Permissions on your TS Group or that the Server Query doesn‘t have the Permissions anymore.

rogermb commented 5 years ago

I agree. Permission 222 is the i_client_needed_poke_power, too. @mnjg123 you should check whether your username + password login works correctly and whether the server group that your server query belongs to has the required permissions to poke clients. You should also check whether someone has changed the i_client_needed_poke_power power for a server group that your target clients belong to. A server query is allowed to poke a client if its i_client_poke_power is equal to or larger than the target client's i_client_needed_poke_power.

Tumbledore commented 5 years ago

as an Addition: I had some problems with it, as the Server Group was unassigned from my Client who created the ServerQueryLogin. As my Identity got the ServerGroup back, the ServerQuery got it back too.