TheHunterManX / GBA-PK-multiplayer

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Addition of "ScriptRelease" variable and it being displayed on the script console. #25

Open televisionia opened 1 year ago

televisionia commented 1 year ago

After looking through the code for a while, (it's insane! I praise your effort,) I decided to not bother about warning the user about the client/host having a different version and work on that some other time. I can already tell I don't have as much experience with sockets as you have. This pull request is meant to help users tell what version their script is to avoid the problems of connecting to a user with an outdated release, which has already happened (refer to #22 .)

I got ahold of how the script was working together, (it's a lot to take in,) but then I couldn't figure out what to change without breaking anything.

--Send Data to clients
function CreatePackett(RequestTemp, PackettTemp)
    local FillerStuff = "F"
    Packett = GameID .. Nickname .. PlayerID2 .. PlayerReceiveID .. RequestTemp .. PackettTemp .. CurrentX[PlayerID] .. CurrentY[PlayerID] .. Facing2[PlayerID] .. PlayerExtra1[PlayerID] .. PlayerExtra2[PlayerID] .. PlayerExtra3[PlayerID] .. PlayerExtra4[PlayerID] .. PlayerMapID .. PlayerMapIDPrev .. PlayerMapEntranceType .. StartX[PlayerID] .. StartY[PlayerID] .. FillerStuff .. "U"

Sadly I didn't have anyone to test my changes with remotely at the time, and I was trying to use my existing knowledge to include the release version of what script the user was using inside the packet being sent. Problem is, while I have Lua experience, I've mostly done this kind of stuff using python. This would be a handy feature to have in the next fix, just to make sure we don't get people confused. Because well, we already have enough people confused and lots of unclosed issues. Maybe you can do it before I can, edits are allowed for people with write access to the main branch.

If this is good, please review! (And merge, if you are the repo owner, yes, I see you)

TheHunterManX commented 2 weeks ago

I appreciate the input. I will not be merging, since Alpha 3.5 will be out this month.