TheIdentitySelector / thiss-js

The identity selector software source
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Indicate unable to verify returning site #270

Open Bojhan opened 4 months ago

Bojhan commented 4 months ago

Seamless access in some cases will not know if users are send back to an "approved" URL.

SP's are requested to publish the allowed URLs a discovery service can send responses back to, however they are not required to do so - and thus it happens that we cannot verify. Given that this poses a security risk, we need to signal this to users.

We see three scenario's:

  1. DiscoveryResponse info and the return URL is among them; UI should indicate that all is good;
  2. DiscoveryResponse info and the return URL is not among them; UI should indicate that not all is good
  3. DiscoveryResponse info and the return URL is not among them; UI should indicate that user should check themselves.

Given that we should not indicate that all is good, 1) is covered by our current flow.

For scenario 2/3 we will send the same message, the fact that we cannot identify return path from the origin.

The Continue button will send them back to the previous interaction/page.

Unkown return Unkown return_ Different domain

Bojhan commented 3 months ago

Final comments here: