TheIllusiveC4 / Champions

A Minecraft mod introducing elite mobs with enhanced stats and abilities
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Some Effect Suggestions and suggestions towards "Fairer" existing effects. #42

Open Darkmega18 opened 4 years ago

Darkmega18 commented 4 years ago

Trainer: The mob is always accompanied by one of few companion listed mobs in the config which it summons upon finding it's target. At default it's normally a spider or wolf. While the mob is existing the trainer will always respawn this one mob with a 5 second charge up when it detects it has died. When it is respawned the trained/companion mob is buffed for a short time. As a secondary effect the mob may also ride the mob in question if allowed.

Alchemist: Periodically it's offhand will turn into a potion to telegraph it will throw a potion in a couple of seconds. Once the potion is thrown it returns to it's original item. The potions that alchemists can throw and the duration and strength can be specified in the config. Alchemists can also instead toss potions over all nearby other mobs of a beneficial buff nature.

Ninja: Periodically the mob will explode and drop a darkness potion effect on the ground and reposition itself. If the player is damaged by a ninja mob while afflicted with darkness they will take bonus damage from it. The effect can also proc when it is dealing damage so that it can damage the player with it's explosion and darkness easier. The explosion does not damage blocks.

Ender: The mob, like an enderman, will periodically teleport towards it's target and if damaged by a ranged attack it will evade it perfectly appearing somewhere nearby and continue attacking. However the effect is disabled if it is watered down.

Grappler: Sometimes on attack the mob will pick up the player and hold them and beat them up. When attacked too many times quickly in rapid succession The mob will be slowed and resistant while planning to counter and grab you. if this happens you get disarmed causing you to drop your weapon once picked up. You can dismount the mob by shifting.

Beatdown: Sometimes the mob will stop and stare at you for 2 seconds before leaping in your direction. if it manages to land an attack during this time it will mount and severely slow you while beating you up. Attack the mob to dismount them, the slow will go away quickly if not mounted by the mob.

Hooking: When away from the target and not having taken damage or been attacked for a short duration sometimes the mob will stop and lock onto you for 2 seconds. if he has direct line of sight he will fire a projectile that with latch and make him fly through the air and impact you. On impact you take bonus knockback and damage, but if you have a shield and block it or the projectile hits the wall and they hit the wall on grapple the mob will take damage and become stunned for a short time. After grappling it won't be used for atleast another 15 seconds.

Striker: Sometimes the mob will glow and be affected by strength for a short time. During this period if you get struck by the mob it will play the smash bros homerun bat sound and launch you up and away, HARD, for improved damage.

Final Blast: When the mob has final blast when it gets below 25% HP it will play a creeper fuse sound and begin to glow and gains an effect, "death blast" for 30 secs. When a mob has death blast it glows red and explodes in a large explosion on death or a similarly large but not block destroying blast after the effect times out. When it's low, kill it quick but don't be too close either!

Bursting: When the mob dies it will explode into a random amount of possible mobs who are set up in configs. Can include baby zombies, spiders, silverfish, vexes, bats at first, all with configurable mins and max amounts.

Retreating: When the mob is damaged sometimes it will switch to running away from the player and firing arrows backwards at it for a few seconds before returning to normal.

Fast Learner: When experience is dropped near the mob or it takes damage from a player with experience or damages a player it will take the experience for itself. After a certain amount of experience is gained it will gain a regeneration effect and it's stats will be improved. This can occur 2-3 times per champion rank.

Haunting: Has a reduced aggro range normally, but when it acquires it's target they will be affected by "haunted" for 10 seconds constantly. When the player is the haunt target of this champion the player will randomly hear sound effects of different vanilla mobs around them. If the player manages to escape the haunting mob's aggro it will be teleported to a nearby valid location around them and will continue to search for the player...

possible changes to other effects. From observations from a video from 2019 that I witnessed while considering the mod. I'm not sure if they're still as strong as they seemed.

Infested: Make there be a maximum amount of the infested mob in the area if there isn't already and the ability to choose what the mob from the infestation will be. So one can make like a rats infested, or baby spiders infested. Stuff will quickly get out of hand otherwise probably...

Desecrator: Make an effect appear at the player's location for atleast a second before spawning the cloud. The cloud just come out of nowhere with no warning and it's very cheesy and for people who can't move as fast it always results in free unblockable damage... which is bad.

Plagued: Why are you even radiating a WITHER effect in an area with no chance of removing it or blocking it? that is the ultimate cheese. Make it only apply the plague and wither on hit, or as a shield when taking melee hits with noticeable particles if it's gonna afflict you. The plague itself should also only transfer when being hit or within a couple block spaces. But from the video I saw it was a very wide area to what would be considered fair. :V

TheIllusiveC4 commented 4 years ago

I'll take these suggestions for new affixes under consideration.

As for your concerns about existing affixes:

Infested: Make there be a maximum amount of the infested mob in the area if there isn't already and the ability to choose what the mob from the infestation will be. So one can make like a rats infested, or baby spiders infested. Stuff will quickly get out of hand otherwise probably...

Infested has already been revamped so that there is a configurable maximum amount that can spawn at any one time, exactly due to concerns about infinite spawns. I'll take the second suggestion about configurable mobs under consideration.

Desecrator: Make an effect appear at the player's location for atleast a second before spawning the cloud.

Desecrator has a configurable amount of time after it appears before it activates its effect. The default is 1 second. I don't remember if it was always this way or if I added it later on.

Plagued: Why are you even radiating a WITHER effect in an area with no chance of removing it or blocking it? that is the ultimate cheese.

Every aspect of the effect, including range, type, duration, and power, is configurable. In addition, I have changed the default effect from wither to poison a long time ago due to concerns with the effect being able to kill things indiscriminately. The default range is also only 3 blocks and needs a clear path to afflict something (so it can be blocked, in a sense). That all said, I'm not particularly fond of the current implementation and I'll likely change it somewhat when porting it to later versions.

Darkmega18 commented 4 years ago

Alrighty, thats good, so really must have been an old video then. Would some kind of... cross compat/detection of infernal mobs be possible? Such as having each tier of champion capable of spawning with an "Infernal" modifier and depending on the tier is the number of infernal buffs which are simultaneously applied to the mob? Could be a case of simply adding into your mod the ability for the champions to write the infernal nbt data into the mobs if it detects the mod is installed, and players can simply disable the appearing on infernals normally and have it be handled through your mod. or well, alternatively you can go one better and make versions of their stuff which you can apply instead.

Another idea is that this would go absolutely perfectly with an update and adaption of this old Nemesis System mod by torocraft. Using your modifiers you could have champions capable of being hidden in the world and the players can find them, and you could take ideas from both the nemesis system of shadow of mordor series, but also the way that warframe had fiddled with it in their creation of the "Kuva lich" system.

If could potentially outline a version of how it would work if it sounds at all interesting as something you could consider.

But anyways. Thank you for clarifying and considering. :)

TheIllusiveC4 commented 4 years ago

Would some kind of... cross compat/detection of infernal mobs be possible?

I've thought about this idea before, but I wasn't too sure how best to do it. I kinda like your idea about delegating their modifiers through Champions and allowing a configurable amount of buffs to be applied. That makes the most sense to me. And I'm not the biggest fan of their modifiers so I probably won't implement a Champions version of them natively.

Another idea is that this would go absolutely perfectly with an update and adaption of this old Nemesis System mod by torocraft.

Technically something approaching this is already possible with command blocks, since you can spawn curated Champions using commands. But that's definitely a bare-bones comparison and the idea is worth looking into more deeply.

Note that I'm trying to keep Champions relatively simple to understand and utilize, so a full-fledged Nemesis system might be too deep of a mechanic. However, if you have any ideas or an outline you'd like to discuss, I'm certainly open to any suggestions and I'll read anything you have to offer.

Darkmega18 commented 4 years ago

Well, the idea would be that you'd have champions that are generated along with the world and are linked to a particular player with stats and equipment etc that are saved separately along with the world. They also have a location randomly generated with them like as if they were a structure, only it's linked to the mob only and a point in the world. This would probably be suited to an optional addon that uses champions as a base.

You'd generate a couple of them when the player first joins, and then more can show up later based on player interaction linked to an effect, or it can all just be linked to random champs with that effect which would open up the mechanic after the fact.

lets call it the "Nemesis" effect, which when it generates it doesn't take up a slot for an effect, it simply denotes a champion that will "come back" and plot revenge on you and needs to be killed in a special way.

Nemesis effect: This mob is hardier than most mobs and spawns with a full compliment of armor and equipment. It's abilities are also obfuscated making it hard to tell what kind of skills and abilities it has. When defeated it will gain damage resistance to most attacks, knockback all mobs and players in an area around it, and heal half of it's health and gain regeneration and attempt to run away rapidly. In this state it gains a relatively high chance to cause thorns damage and slow it's attacker when taking hits and if the mob runs further than a certain amount of blocks it will despawn and be saved into the player's nemesis system. A nemesis can also be made from mobs who manage to kill a player in the normal world. For example being killed by a skeleton will immediately make and register a new randomly generated skeleton nemesis champion to the player.

Making a nemesis: When a nemesis has escaped and becomes a part of the system it's data and equipment are saved and it is given a random location within a maximum range and a minimum range from the player's location to hide out. While in a hidden state the nemesis mob will spawn if the player can discover it's location and get within 8 blocks of the area and attack the player again.

If a nemesis mob defeats the player it runs away again and finds a new location and gains increased stats, with a number of increases resulting in a champion level upgrade (and a new skill added).

Dealing with a Nemesis If the nemesis is defeated and runs away it will go back into hidden state at a new location. To find the location of a nemesis players must find "intel sheets" dropped randomly from mobs of the same type as it when the player has a nemesis of that mob's type. The intel will be dropped related to the nemesis and can be used to reveal information about it's equipment, skills, location, and weakness. (4 pieces). Randomly genned champions of the matching type who are not the nemesis could also gauranteed a drop of intel along with their own drops on defeat.

-Gaining info about it's armor allows the player to see enchantments and other info in the nemesis screen, and select a part that they want to collect from the mob if they defeat it.

-Gaining info about it's location allows the player to find the nemesis. When a location is known a treasure map stye map can be produced which the player can follow to a skull icon on said map to locate the nemesis and it's combat area. Upon entering it for a certain amount of time it will spawn somewhere nearby and immediately target the player along with a handful of similar mobs who can have a higher chance of dropping intelligence. "body guards".

-Gaining intel about skills lets you view it's skills in it's HP bar and in the nemesis window and also specific stats about strength, speed, HP and armor stats etc so you're not just guessing how strong it is.

-While gaining it's weakness it tells you about an item type that the player can use when fighting the nemesis to gain benefits against it. In the case of armor using a weakness matched armor against the boss stops the player being affected by some of it's skills. While a weapon of a certain type used on a nemesis deals multiplied damage to it and if used to deal the final hit before the escape phase will strike the mob down permanently without making it run away giving you fanfare and either a random piece of it's loot or the intelligence chosen piece of loot from your nemesis window.

The idea of the nemesis is that you need to hunt down mobs related to it to learn about it's powers, then find and defeat it before it keeps defeating you.

Whenever it runs away it enters the mentioned "hidden" state, which is a cooldown period before it can occur and attack you naturally. Defeating it when it comes to fight you or by finding it yourself with the weakness weapon is how to finish them off.

If you can kill it before an escape despite the effects it will remain hidden for longer. Hidden state could be say between 2 to 5 days or something. If the nemesis is active when it becomes night there is a chance that a randomly spawned champion from in the world will be replaced with one of your active nemesises.

After certain numbers of days being active your different nemesis mobs may randomly fight each other and with random chance one might gain a level, one might lose a level, or one will gain a level and another will lose a level together. If they got reduced they also hide for a shorter time automatically.

If the nemesis was killed but not with the weakness it hides for a longer duration, it has a chance to also gain some stats when it comes back active, a way of saying, "after you last defeated me I went away and trained myself so I can now defeat you!" or something.

Players should have a maximum amount of nemesis champs they can register at a single time. Config settable, but possibly like 5-8ish. At that point the player can't run into anymore champions with nemesis buff innately ready to become a nemesis to them and if you face one the effect will just disappear and it will act as normal. So to keep the complexity down a little.

A tutorial kinda popup should be shown in the nemesis menu when it first becomes active due to a nemesis being spawned also and would show the model of the nemesis and it's name with the different special infos obfuscated until intelligence is found.