Open Skullface9512 opened 2 weeks ago
For display, just put a ic4.WinForms.Display on your form, as shown in the Windows Forms example applications:
The example program also shows how to display the pre-built property dialog that allows the user to adjust settings.
Recently i'm working on putting the camera video stream into a UI WinForm and show a cross in image, the code i modified like that:
namespace CameraTest.Forms
public partial class Calibration : Form
public Calibration()
ic4.Library.Init(apiLogLevel: ic4.LogLevel.Info, logTargets: ic4.LogTarget.WinDebug);
private void btnOpen_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ic4.Grabber grabber = new ic4.Grabber();
var selectedDeviceInfo = ic4.WinForms.Dialogs.ShowSelectDeviceDialog(this);
if (selectedDeviceInfo == null)
var sink = new ic4.QueueSink(ic4.PixelFormat.BGR8, maxOutputBuffers: 1);
sink.FramesQueued += (s, args) =>
// Get the new buffer from the sink
// Buffer is disposed at the end of the using-block to allow re-queue
using (var buffer = sink.PopOutputBuffer())
// Create an OpenCVSharp view onto the buffer
// This view is only valid while the buffer itself exists,
// which is guaranteed by them both not being passed out of this function
var wrap = buffer.CreateOpenCvWrap();
int width = wrap.Width;
int height = wrap.Height;
OpenCvSharp.Point startPoint1 = new OpenCvSharp.Point(Convert.ToInt32(width / 2) - 500, Convert.ToInt32(height / 2));
OpenCvSharp.Point endPoint1 = new OpenCvSharp.Point(Convert.ToInt32(width / 2) + 500, Convert.ToInt32(height / 2));
OpenCvSharp.Point startPoint2 = new OpenCvSharp.Point(Convert.ToInt32(width / 2), Convert.ToInt32(height / 2) - 500);
OpenCvSharp.Point endPoint2 = new OpenCvSharp.Point(Convert.ToInt32(width / 2), Convert.ToInt32(height / 2) + 500);
Scalar color = new Scalar(0, 255, 0);
int thickness = 2;
Cv2.Line(wrap, startPoint1, endPoint1, color, thickness);
Cv2.Line(wrap, startPoint2, endPoint2, color, thickness);
// Start the stream
grabber.StreamSetup(sink, display1,StreamSetupOption.AcquisitionStart);
the running result is very strange, sometimes screen likely fix the first frame and don't change, sometimes it can show the video stream, but see no cross in image.
The display should not be used manually and as stream target at the same time.
This line manually displays the modified image:
This line automatically displays all (original) images:
grabber.StreamSetup(sink, display1,StreamSetupOption.AcquisitionStart);
Don't pass the display to StreamSetup
and the cross should be displayed correctly.
Ok, it works, and if i want to close this window through a button, how can i add this function.
"This Window"? You mean your Windows Form? Form.Close.
Just stop the video stream when click the button.
To stop the video stream, call grabber.StreamStop()
Where should I put this function in the above code and set relative button?
I am very sorry, but Windows Forms programming really is outside the scope of this forum.
I am developing a C# UI using IC4 camera. How can I display camera stream in real-time on the WinForm? Meanwhile, how to modify parameters such as resolution and exposure time for the camera and make it change in real-time? Is there any control that can be used?