TheImagingSource / tiscamera

The Linux SDK for The Imaging Source cameras.
Apache License 2.0
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DMK23U274 Error: Property Gain Max reported a range that could not be handled #345

Closed strolch101 closed 3 years ago

strolch101 commented 4 years ago

System: LMDE4, Buster, 64bit, gcc 8.3.0, cmake 3.13.4 Depencies are all present and were checked by running repo-included install scripts.


Build went fine beside some warning about missing logo-images location related to documentation-build. ./tcam-capture runs flawless with another TIS camera (DFK23U274). However, title-mentioned DMK23U274 shows no image (all white), most controls are greyed out and keeps giving the following error in terminal:

xxx@xxx:~/TISCamera/bin$ ./tcam-capture 
qt5ct: using qt5ct plugin
15-05-2020:21:28:01,181 ERROR    [] Property Gain Max reported a range that could not be handled
15-05-2020:21:28:01,202 WARNING  [] get_tcam_property failed for 'Trigger Mode'
15-05-2020:21:28:01,421 ERROR    [] ERROR: bin : Could not create element 'tcamautoexposure'.
15-05-2020:21:28:03,243 ERROR    [] A slider had a value outside of the integer range. That should no happen.

The last message appears repeatedly. Both cameras are detected as V4L2 devices in tcam-capture. VLC Media Player recognizes and shows both camera streams fine and just has issues displaying the correct video format (no rggb-color, artifacts related to resolution).

How do I fix this?

EDIT: Python example outputs the following: xxx@xxx:~/TISCamera/share/theimagingsource/tiscamera/examples/python$ python3

Exposure Auto(boolean) value: True default: True grouping: Exposure - Exposure
Gain Auto(boolean) value: True default: True grouping: Exposure - Gain
Brightness Reference(integer) value: 128 default: 128 min: 0 max: 255 grouping: Exposure - Exposure
Exposure Min(integer) value: 0 default: 0 min: 0 max: 0 grouping: Exposure - Exposure
Exposure Max(integer) value: 2147483647 default: 0 min: 0 max: 0 grouping: Exposure - Exposure
Gain Min(double) value: 0.0 default: 0.0 min: 0.0 max: 0.0 grouping: Exposure - Gain
Gain Max(double) value: 1.7976931348623157e+308 default: 0.0 min: 0.0 max: 0.0 grouping: Exposure - Gain
Exposure ROI Left(integer) value: 0 default: 0 min: 0 max: -9 grouping: Exposure - ROI
Exposure ROI Width(integer) value: 8 default: 0 min: 8 max: 0 grouping: Exposure - ROI
Exposure ROI Top(integer) value: 0 default: 0 min: 0 max: -9 grouping: Exposure - ROI
Exposure ROI Height(integer) value: 8 default: 0 min: 8 max: 0 grouping: Exposure - ROI
Gain(integer) value: 176 default: 176 min: 176 max: 1023 grouping: Exposure - Gain
Exposure Time (us)(integer) value: 5000 default: 33333 min: 100 max: 300000000 grouping: Unknown - INVALID_PORPERTY
Gain (dB/100)(integer) value: 0 default: 0 min: 0 max: 3032 grouping: Unknown - INVALID_PORPERTY
Trigger Mode(boolean) value: False default: False grouping: Special - Trigger Mode
Software Trigger(button) grouping is Special -  Trigger Mode
Trigger Delay (us)(integer) value: 150 default: 0 min: 0 max: 10000000 grouping: Special - Trigger Mode
Strobe Enable(boolean) value: False default: False grouping: Special - Strobe Enable
Strobe Polarity(boolean) value: False default: False grouping: Special - Strobe Enable
Strobe Exposure(boolean) value: False default: False grouping: Special - Strobe Enable
Strobe Duration(integer) value: 100 default: 0 min: 0 max: 10000 grouping: Special - Strobe Enable
Strobe Delay(integer) value: 0 default: 0 min: -10000 max: 10000 grouping: Special - Strobe Enable
GPOut(integer) value: 0 default: 0 min: 0 max: 1 grouping: Special - GPIO
GPIO(integer) value: 0 default: 0 min: 0 max: 1 grouping: Special - GPIO
Trigger Global Reset Release(boolean) value: False default: False grouping: Special - Trigger Mode

As you can easily see the Gain values and the Exposure values are nonsense. But I don't get to the point to be able to overwrite them permanently. ./tcam-ctrl setter only recognizes "Gain=X" but does not allow to set min and max values for the very same property. I'll try in Python but I think this should be working out-of-the-box in the first place. Especially when VLC Media Player is able to manage it.

TIS-Stefan commented 4 years ago


It seems, you use the "development" branch of tiscamera. If I am right, please checkout the "master" branch and build again.

tcam-ctrl shows the properties of the "naked" camera only. The automatics are made in software by our GStreamer modules. But I agree with you, the error of ranges from 0~ max-double should not happen. This was invented in development branch 0.12.


strolch101 commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your answer. I cloned the repository via git clone again. UnfortunateIy the error still persists.

I went back to my pre-TIS-Camera system with Timeshift to have the most "fresh" install as possible. Thus all the (then missing) depencies were newly installed via your install-script too. In addition, I left the install directory untouched, i.e. default, and followed strictly your github readme step-by-step (only exception: newly created build folder is empty, so build was done from ~/tiscamera)

This was my new build configuration:

CMake Warning:
  No source or binary directory provided.  Both will be assumed to be the
  same as the current working directory, but note that this warning will
  become a fatal error in future CMake releases.

-- The C compiler identification is GNU 8.3.0
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 8.3.0
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
-- Found GObject: /usr/include/glib-2.0  
-- Found PYTHON_MODULE_PyQt5: /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/PyQt5  
-- Found Sphinx: /usr/bin/sphinx-build  
-- Build gstreamer-1.0 plugins:   ON
-- Support for GigE via aravis:   OFF
-- Support for USB cameras:       ON
-- Support for LibUsb cameras:    ON
-- Build additional utilities:    ON
-- Build documentation            ON
-- Build tests                    OFF
-- Installation prefix:           /usr
-- Installing binaries to:        /usr/bin
-- Installing libraries to:       /usr/lib
-- Installing header to:          /usr/include
-- Installing udev rules to:      /etc/udev/rules.d
-- Installing systemd units to:   /lib/systemd/system
-- Installing uvcdynctrl rules to:/usr/share/uvcdynctrl/data/199e
-- Installing desktop files to:   /usr/share/applications
-- Installing data files to:      /usr/share/theimagingsource/tiscamera
-- Installing gstreamer-1.0 to:   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gstreamer-1.0
-- Installing gobject-introspection to: /usr/share/gir-1.0
-- Installing introspection typelib to: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/girepository-1.0
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/xxx/tiscamera

The only noticeable events while building were the following:

[ 17%] Linking CXX shared library
[ 17%] Built target tcam
Scanning dependencies of target tcamprop
[ 18%] Building C object src/gobject/CMakeFiles/tcamprop.dir/tcamprop.c.o
[ 19%] Linking C shared library
[ 19%] Built target tcamprop
Scanning dependencies of target create_gobject
[ 20%] Generating Tcam-0.1.gir
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc -pthread -E -Wdate-time -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -I. -I/home/xxx/tiscamera/src -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/glib-2.0/include -o g-ir-cpp-44nmij8p.i -C /home/xxx/tiscamera/src/gobject/g-ir-cpp-44nmij8p.c
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc -pthread -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O2 -Wall -g -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wdate-time -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fPIC -I/home/xxx/tiscamera/src -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -I/usr/include/uuid -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/glib-2.0/include -c /home/xxx/tiscamera/src/gobject/tmp-introspectoavhfm6k/Tcam-0.1.c -o /home/xxx/tiscamera/src/gobject/tmp-introspectoavhfm6k/Tcam-0.1.o -Wno-deprecated-declarations -pthread
g-ir-scanner: link: cc -o /home/xxx/tiscamera/src/gobject/tmp-introspectoavhfm6k/Tcam-0.1 /home/xxx/tiscamera/src/gobject/tmp-introspectoavhfm6k/Tcam-0.1.o -L. -Wl,-rpath,. -Wl,--no-as-needed -L/home/xxx/tiscamera/src/gobject -Wl,-rpath,/home/xxx/tiscamera/src/gobject -ltcamprop -lgio-2.0 -Wl,--export-dynamic -lgmodule-2.0 -pthread -lgobject-2.0 -lglib-2.0
[ 21%] Generating Tcam-0.1.typelib
[ 21%] Built target create_gobject
Scanning dependencies of target tcam-algorithms


[100%] Generate HTML Documentation with Sphinx
WARNING: logo file '../../../data/images/logo_small.jpg' does not exist
WARNING: favicon file '../../../data/images/logo.jpg' does not exist
[100%] Built target doc

The result has not changed. Both cameras are connected but tcam-capture can only handle the DFK23U247 correctly, not the DMK23U274. Error is same as initially.

EDIT: I tested DMK23U274 on a Windows System with IC Capture and Hotpixel Fix in order to figure out whether the hardware is perhaps faulty. The camera works flawlessly and is intact. Moreover, I hoped this could probably reset faulty internal camera-config once re-connected to the Linux system again, but the error is still there.

EDIT2: Refering to I have installed mplayer and tried the DMK23U274 on LMDE4. Works even better than VLC. Here is the terminal output of mplayer:

~$ mplayer tv:// -tv driver=v4l2:device=/dev/video0
MPlayer 1.3.0 (Debian), built with gcc-8 (C) 2000-2016 MPlayer Team
do_connect: could not connect to socket
connect: No such file or directory
Failed to open LIRC support. You will not be able to use your remote control.

Playing tv://.
TV file format detected.
Selected driver: v4l2
 name: Video 4 Linux 2 input
 author: Martin Olschewski <>
 comment: first try, more to come ;-)
v4l2: your device driver does not support VIDIOC_G_STD ioctl, VIDIOC_G_PARM was used instead.
Selected device: DMK 23U274
 Capabilities:  video capture  streaming
 supported norms:
 inputs: 0 = Camera 1;
 Current input: 0
 Current format: GREY
tv.c: norm_from_string(pal): Bogus norm parameter, setting default.
v4l2: ioctl enum norm failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
Error: Cannot set norm!
Selected input hasn't got a tuner!
v4l2: ioctl set mute failed: Invalid argument
v4l2: ioctl query control failed: Invalid argument
v4l2: ioctl query control failed: Invalid argument
v4l2: ioctl query control failed: Invalid argument
v4l2: ioctl query control failed: Invalid argument
Failed to open VDPAU backend cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[vdpau] Error when calling vdp_device_create_x11: 1
Opening video decoder: [raw] RAW Uncompressed Video
Could not find matching colorspace - retrying with -vf scale...
Opening video filter: [scale]
Movie-Aspect is undefined - no prescaling applied.
[swscaler @ 0x55de4e0b5dc0] bicubic scaler, from gray to yuv420p using MMXEXT
VO: [xv] 1600x1200 => 1600x1200 Planar YV12 
Selected video codec: [rawy800] vfm: raw (RAW Y8/Y800)
Audio: no sound
Starting playback...
V:   0.0 126/126 ??% ??% ??,?% 0 0 
v4l2: ioctl set mute failed: Invalid argument
v4l2: 128 frames successfully processed, 193358 frames dropped.

Exiting... (Quit)

EDIT3: At the risk of starting to be annoying and ain't nobody reading this never-ending st: Here is the terminal-output of guvcview.* guvcview is by far(!)* the best performing app on DMK23U274@LMDE4. However, once you play silly with the guvcview settings you need ffplay (by ffmpeg) to get it corrected.

GUVCVIEW: version 2.0.6
V4L2_CORE: (UVCIOC_CTRL_MAP) Error: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
V4L2_CORE: (UVCIOC_CTRL_MAP) Error: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
V4L2_CORE: (UVCIOC_CTRL_MAP) Error: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
V4L2_CORE: (UVCIOC_CTRL_MAP) Error: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
V4L2_CORE: (UVCIOC_CTRL_MAP) Error: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
V4L2_CORE: (UVCIOC_CTRL_MAP) Error: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
V4L2_CORE: (UVCIOC_CTRL_MAP) Error: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
V4L2_CORE: (UVCIOC_CTRL_MAP) Error: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
V4L2_CORE: (UVCIOC_CTRL_MAP) Error: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
ALSA lib pcm.c:2565:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.rear
ALSA lib pcm.c:2565:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.center_lfe
ALSA lib pcm.c:2565:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.side
ALSA lib pcm_route.c:869:(find_matching_chmap) Found no matching channel map
ALSA lib pcm_route.c:869:(find_matching_chmap) Found no matching channel map
ALSA lib pcm_route.c:869:(find_matching_chmap) Found no matching channel map
ALSA lib pcm_route.c:869:(find_matching_chmap) Found no matching channel map
Cannot connect to server socket err = Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
Cannot connect to server request channel
jack server is not running or cannot be started
JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr - Init not done for -1, skipping unlock
JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr - Init not done for -1, skipping unlock
Cannot connect to server socket err = Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
Cannot connect to server request channel
jack server is not running or cannot be started
JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr - Init not done for -1, skipping unlock
JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr - Init not done for -1, skipping unlock
ALSA lib pcm_oss.c:377:(_snd_pcm_oss_open) Unknown field port
ALSA lib pcm_oss.c:377:(_snd_pcm_oss_open) Unknown field port
ALSA lib pcm_a52.c:823:(_snd_pcm_a52_open) a52 is only for playback
ALSA lib pcm_usb_stream.c:486:(_snd_pcm_usb_stream_open) Invalid type for card
ALSA lib pcm_usb_stream.c:486:(_snd_pcm_usb_stream_open) Invalid type for card
Cannot connect to server socket err = Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
Cannot connect to server request channel
jack server is not running or cannot be started
JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr - Init not done for -1, skipping unlock
JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr - Init not done for -1, skipping unlock
V4L2_CORE: not decoding empty raw frame (frame of size 0 at 0x0x7f6d86978000)
V4L2_CORE: Error - Couldn't decode frame
V4L2_CORE: not decoding empty raw frame (frame of size 0 at 0x0x7f6d867a3000)
V4L2_CORE: Error - Couldn't decode frame
V4L2_CORE: not decoding empty raw frame (frame of size 0 at 0x0x7f6d865ce000)
V4L2_CORE: Error - Couldn't decode frame
V4L2_CORE: not decoding empty raw frame (frame of size 0 at 0x0x7f6d863f9000)
V4L2_CORE: Error - Couldn't decode frame

(guvcview:12896): Gtk-WARNING **: 03:31:39.110: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:661:53: Expected ',' in color definition

(guvcview:12896): Gtk-WARNING **: 03:31:39.111: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:675:58: Expected ',' in color definition

(guvcview:12896): Gtk-WARNING **: 03:31:39.111: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:825:58: Expected ',' in color definition

(guvcview:12896): Gtk-WARNING **: 03:31:39.112: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:1046:58: Expected ',' in color definition

(guvcview:12896): Gtk-WARNING **: 03:31:39.141: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:10354:58: Expected ',' in color definition

(guvcview:12896): Gtk-WARNING **: 03:31:39.141: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:10363:58: Expected ',' in color definition

(guvcview:12896): Gtk-WARNING **: 03:31:39.141: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:10376:58: Expected ',' in color definition

(guvcview:12896): Gtk-WARNING **: 03:31:39.141: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:10387:58: Expected ',' in color definition
GUVCVIEW: (Invalid range) [MAX <= MIN] for control id: 0x0199e215 

(guvcview:12896): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: 03:31:39.272: invalid (NULL) pointer instance

(guvcview:12896): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: 03:31:39.272: g_signal_handlers_block_matched: assertion 'G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE (instance)' failed

(guvcview:12896): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 03:31:39.272: gtk_range_set_value: assertion 'GTK_IS_RANGE (range)' failed

(guvcview:12896): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: 03:31:39.272: invalid (NULL) pointer instance

(guvcview:12896): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: 03:31:39.272: g_signal_handlers_unblock_matched: assertion 'G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE (instance)' failed
V4L2_CORE: not decoding empty raw frame (frame of size 0 at 0x0x7f6d86978000)
V4L2_CORE: Error - Couldn't decode frame
V4L2_CORE: not decoding empty raw frame (frame of size 0 at 0x0x7f6d867a3000)
V4L2_CORE: Error - Couldn't decode frame
V4L2_CORE: not decoding empty raw frame (frame of size 0 at 0x0x7f6d865ce000)
V4L2_CORE: Error - Couldn't decode frame
V4L2_CORE: not decoding empty raw frame (frame of size 0 at 0x0x7f6d863f9000)
V4L2_CORE: Error - Couldn't decode frame
TIS-Stefan commented 4 years ago


can you please change into your tiscamera directory and run git status and show me the output?

guvcview creates a lot of output...

The DxK 23 series has only a few properties, that are in the hardware. Most of the other properties are generated by the Gstreamer Modules. In particular it is the automatics for exposure and gain. Therefore, third party v4l2 programs do not show these properties.

The values for gain min and max are available, after the pipeline has changed into state PLAYING. Before this happens, the max and min are the max double or max in and 0. The max double and max int values were invented with the development branch. They should not be in the master branch of tiscamera. Therefore the Python sample 03 shows nonsense ranges. You may try the sample at It lists the properties after the pipeline has been started and then there should be meaningful min and max values. You must uncomment line 64:

# Remove comment below in oder to get a property list.
# Tis.List_Properties()

I wonder, whether the white image is simply the Window background and no frames are delivered. What happens if you use the simple gst-launch-1.0 tcambin ! videoconvert ! ximagesink with the DMK.


strolch101 commented 4 years ago


here is the output of git status (in german though):

~/tiscamera$ git status
Auf Branch master
Ihr Branch ist auf demselben Stand wie 'origin/master'.

Unversionierte Dateien:
  (benutzen Sie "git add <Datei>...", um die Änderungen zum Commit vorzumerken)


nichts zum Commit vorgemerkt, aber es gibt unversionierte Dateien
(benutzen Sie "git add" zum Versionieren)

Just a guess, but at an very early stage I tried to install the ubuntu-libraries and dutils from your support website which didn't work. It might be that some remainder of that attempt is causing the issues. I also tried gst-launch-1.0 tcambin ! videoconvert ! ximagesink. If only DMK is connected then I get the following output:

/usr/bin$ gst-launch-1.0 tcambin ! videoconvert ! ximagesink
Leitung wird auf PAUSIERT gesetzt ...
FEHLER: Leitung möchte nicht pausiert werden.
FEHLER: Von Element /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstTcamBin:tcambin0: Could not create element 'tcamautoexposure'.
Zusätzliche Fehlerdiagnoseinformation:
Could not create element 'tcamautoexposure'.
Leitung wird auf NULL gesetzt ...
Leitung wird geleert ...

Trying the programming examples was more successful. As you mentioned I got more meaningful values for the DMK and the program ran fine. If you need the terminal output to take a look at, just let me know, and I will insert here later. Actually these examples are a partial solve of my problem, since I only need the SDK being able to talk to the camera and not tcam-capture in particular.

TIS-Stefan commented 4 years ago


Did the Python sample show exposure and gain auto properties? If the module tcamautoexposure is not found, I guess, rather not. I suggest to reinstall:

cd tiscamera/build
sudo gige-deamon stop
sudo make uninstall
rm * -rf
make -j 48
sudo make install

The gige-daemon stop may says, there is no process, which is ok. The make -j 48 tells make to use 48 thread max.

After installation the pipeline gst-launch-1.0 tcambin ! videoconvert ! ximagesink should run without error message. If there are still missing modules, you may run

gst-inspect-1.0 | grep tcam

It should list tcamsrc, tcambin, tcamwhitebalance, tcamautoexposure, tcambiteater and so on. If it does not show tcamautoexposure, then I wonder, whether you change the GST search path.

BTW: German output is ok.


strolch101 commented 4 years ago


it seems the python sample does find tcamautoexposure. Here is the output without Tis.List_Properties()

~/TISCamera/programming-samples/Save an image on trigger in Python$ python3 
tcambin serial="39910311" name=source ! video/x-raw,format=GRAY8,width=1600,height=1200,framerate=20/1 ! videoconvert ! appsink name=sink
Gain Auto : True 
Gain : 176
Gain Auto now : False 
Exposure Auto now : False 
Press Esc to stop

(python3:3875): Gtk-WARNING **: 09:25:44.253: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:661:53: Expected ',' in color definition

Beside the stream being a bit slow, the image is shown in good quality and is regularly updated.

Opening tcam-capture immediately after running the python-script made the all-white background for DMK disappear in tcam-capture. Now there is an all-grey window with following message: "In Trigger Mode. Waiting for first image." but the error message in terminal is still the same (couldn't create tcamautoexposure / Gain Max / Slider value) and the drop-down menu for Format, Resolution and FPS are empty/unresponsive.

I haven't run a new build as you suggested yet. I will do that later. However, here is the current output of gst-inspect-1.0 | grep tcam

~/TISCamera/programming-samples/Save an image on trigger in Python$ gst-inspect-1.0 | grep tcam
tcamautofocus:  tcamautofocus: The Imaging Source auto focus Element
tcamautoexposure:  tcamautoexposure: The Imaging Source Auto Exposure Element
tcamsrc:  tcamsrc: Tcam Video Source
tcamwhitebalance:  tcamwhitebalance: The Imaging Source White Balance Element
tcambiteater:  tcambiteater: Bit depth reduction module
tcambin:  tcambin: Tcam Video Bin

The terminal output for gst-launch-1.0 tcambin ! videoconvert ! ximagesink has not changed over the run of the python-script.

TIS-Stefan commented 4 years ago


ich muss gestehen, daß ich ein wenig am Ende mit meinem Latein bin. Wenn tcamautoexposure bei der Farbkamera gefunden wird, gibt es absolut keinen Grund, warum das nicht auch be der Schwarzweißkamera gefunden wird. Bitte prüfen Sie, ob bei der Farbkamera der Fehler auch wirklich nicht auftritt.

gst-inspect sagt, daß die Installation korrekt ist.

Bitte machen Sie export TCAM_LOG=DEBUG gst-launch-1.0 tcambin ! videoconvert ! ximagesink

Bitte prüfen Sie auch, ob das Livebild bei Helligkeitsänderungen auch seine Helligkeit anpaßt.

In tcam-capture verwenden Sie bitte eine niedrigere Bildwiederholrate. Allerdings reagiert es manchmal etwas empfindlich. Es gibt in den Samples ein QT5 Beispiel, das etwas weniger empfindlich ist, weil man die Kamera konfigurieren kann, bevor das Livevideo gestartet wird.

strolch101 commented 4 years ago


also ich habe nochmal alles neu installiert, wie im vorangegangenen Post vorgeschlagen. Diesmal mit Aravis (gige-daemon war vorher nicht installiert). Hatte leider keine Auswirkungen, das Problem besteht immer noch.

Wenn beide Kameras angeschlossen sind, öffnet gst-launch-1.0 tcambin ! videoconvert ! ximagesink stets die DFK (Farbkamera). Die Farbkamera reagiert nicht auf Helligkeitsänderung hinsichtlich autoexposure (Belichtungszeit wird nicht angepasst, wenn dunkler). Die entprechenden Slider (exposure min/max) sind in tcam-capture auch ausgegraut.

Im Folgenden ist immer nur jeweils eine der beiden Kameras angeschlossen. Hier ist der Output mit DEBUG-Flag für die (teilweise) funktionierende DFK:

~$ gst-launch-1.0 tcambin ! videoconvert ! ximagesink
Leitung wird auf PAUSIERT gesetzt ...
56086      <DEBUG> Logger:107: 
The following library versions are used:
    Tcam:   0.11.1_master/2042bba_rev_2617
    Aravis: 0.6_version_1758883
59912      <DEBUG> Logger:107: 
The following library versions are used:
    Tcam:   0.11.1_master/2042bba_rev_2617
    Aravis: 0.6_version_1758883
59948      <ERROR> ~/tiscamera/build/src/utils.cpp:305: Could not open file "/var/lock/gige-daemon.lock"
60030      <ERROR> ~/tiscamera/build/src/aravis/aravis_utils.cpp:465: Unable to connect to gige-daemon. Using internal methods
62518      <ERROR> ~/tiscamera/build/src/aravis/aravis_utils.cpp:467: Aravis gave us 2
62669      <ERROR> ~/tiscamera/build/src/utils.cpp:305: Could not open file "/var/lock/gige-daemon.lock"
62746      <ERROR> ~/tiscamera/build/src/aravis/aravis_utils.cpp:465: Unable to connect to gige-daemon. Using internal methods
65418      <ERROR> ~/tiscamera/build/src/aravis/aravis_utils.cpp:467: Aravis gave us 2
84697      <DEBUG> Logger:107: 
The following library versions are used:
    Tcam:   0.11.1_master/2042bba_rev_2617
    Aravis: 0.6_version_1758883
84783      <INFO> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:426: Current framerate is 20 / 1 fps
85159      <WARNING> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:145: Unable to find std property. Passing raw property identifier through. 'Exposure Time (us)'(199e201)
85664      <WARNING> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:145: Unable to find std property. Passing raw property identifier through. 'Gain (dB/100)'(199e204)
85749      <INFO> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:1207: Encountered write only control.
85947      <WARNING> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:220: Detected stepsize 0 for property Strobe Delay. Setting to 1.
86076      <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:270: Enum Trigger Polarity does not have any entries. Ignoring.
86116      <ERROR> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:1245: Property 'Trigger Polarity' is null
86329      <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:710: Found format: RGGB
86464      <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:710: Found format: Y800
86577      <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:710: Found format: Y16
86635      <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:257: Returning 3 formats.
86679      <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/build/src/PipelineManager.cpp:127: Received 3 formats.
86783      <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/build/src/PropertyHandler.cpp:273: Created 14 properties
86989      <INFO> ~/tiscamera/build/src/ImageSource.cpp:68: Source changed to state STOPPED
87030      <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:567: Stopped stream
140483     <INFO> ~/tiscamera/build/src/CaptureDeviceImpl.cpp:159: Closed device DFK 23U274.
140816     <INFO> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:426: Current framerate is 20 / 1 fps
141453     <WARNING> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:145: Unable to find std property. Passing raw property identifier through. 'Exposure Time (us)'(199e201)
141555     <WARNING> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:145: Unable to find std property. Passing raw property identifier through. 'Gain (dB/100)'(199e204)
141634     <INFO> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:1207: Encountered write only control.
141822     <WARNING> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:220: Detected stepsize 0 for property Strobe Delay. Setting to 1.
141945     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:270: Enum Trigger Polarity does not have any entries. Ignoring.
141986     <ERROR> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:1245: Property 'Trigger Polarity' is null
142144     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:710: Found format: RGGB
142254     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:710: Found format: Y800
142366     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:710: Found format: Y16
142440     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:257: Returning 3 formats.
142483     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/build/src/PipelineManager.cpp:127: Received 3 formats.
142559     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/build/src/PropertyHandler.cpp:273: Created 14 properties
150768     <INFO> ~/tiscamera/build/src/gstreamer-1.0/tcamgstbase.cpp:659: Fixating assumed largest caps: video/x-bayer, format=(string)rggb, width=(int)1600, height=(int)1200, framerate=(fraction){ 20/1, 15/1, 10/1, 15/2, 5/1, 15/4 }, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1
151951     <INFO> ~/tiscamera/build/src/gstreamer-1.0/tcamgstbase.cpp:659: Fixating assumed largest caps: video/x-bayer, framerate=(fraction)20/1, width=(int)1600, height=(int)1200, format=(string)rggb
Leitung ist aktiv und erfordert keinen VORLAUF …
Working with src caps: video/x-bayer, framerate=(fraction)20/1, width=(int)1600, height=(int)1200, format=(string)rggb
154606     <INFO> ~/tiscamera/build/src/ImageSource.cpp:68: Source changed to state STOPPED
154627     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:567: Stopped stream
154667     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:171: Requested format change to 'format=RGGB,width=1600,height=1200,framerate=20,000000' 42474752
Leitung wird auf ABSPIELEN gesetzt ...
New clock: GstSystemClock
156115     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:393: Setting framerate to '20,000000' =  20 / 1
156211     <INFO> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:426: Current framerate is 20 / 1 fps
156231     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:237: Active format is: 'format=RGGB,width=1600,height=1200,framerate=20,000000'
156273     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/build/src/PipelineManager.cpp:222: Found device fourcc 'RGGB' - 42474752
156287     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/build/src/PipelineManager.cpp:222: Found device fourcc 'Y800' - 30303859
156301     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/build/src/PipelineManager.cpp:222: Found device fourcc 'Y16' - 20363159
156320     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:171: Requested format change to 'format=RGGB,width=1600,height=1200,framerate=20,000000' 42474752
156520     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:393: Setting framerate to '20,000000' =  20 / 1
156576     <INFO> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:426: Current framerate is 20 / 1 fps
156592     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:237: Active format is: 'format=RGGB,width=1600,height=1200,framerate=20,000000'
156604     <INFO> ~/tiscamera/build/src/ImageBuffer.cpp:38: allocating data buffer
156640     <INFO> ~/tiscamera/build/src/ImageBuffer.cpp:38: allocating data buffer
156662     <INFO> ~/tiscamera/build/src/ImageBuffer.cpp:38: allocating data buffer
156682     <INFO> ~/tiscamera/build/src/ImageBuffer.cpp:38: allocating data buffer
156714     <INFO> ~/tiscamera/build/src/ImageBuffer.cpp:38: allocating data buffer
156733     <INFO> ~/tiscamera/build/src/ImageBuffer.cpp:38: allocating data buffer
156754     <INFO> ~/tiscamera/build/src/ImageBuffer.cpp:38: allocating data buffer
156775     <INFO> ~/tiscamera/build/src/ImageBuffer.cpp:38: allocating data buffer
156794     <INFO> ~/tiscamera/build/src/ImageBuffer.cpp:38: allocating data buffer
156812     <INFO> ~/tiscamera/build/src/ImageBuffer.cpp:38: allocating data buffer
156833     <INFO> ~/tiscamera/build/src/PipelineManager.cpp:476: Pipeline creation successful.
156846     <INFO> ~/tiscamera/build/src/PipelineManager.cpp:486: source ->  sink
156858     <INFO> ~/tiscamera/build/src/ImageSink.cpp:51: Pipeline started playing
156874     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:1591: Will use 10 buffers

Und hier ist der Output mit DEBUG-Flag für die nicht funktionierende DMK:

~$ gst-launch-1.0 tcambin ! videoconvert ! ximagesink
Leitung wird auf PAUSIERT gesetzt ...
188112     <DEBUG> Logger:107: 
The following library versions are used:
    Tcam:   0.11.1_master/2042bba_rev_2617
    Aravis: 0.6_version_1758883
192115     <DEBUG> Logger:107: 
The following library versions are used:
    Tcam:   0.11.1_master/2042bba_rev_2617
    Aravis: 0.6_version_1758883
192146     <ERROR> ~/tiscamera/build/src/utils.cpp:305: Could not open file "/var/lock/gige-daemon.lock"
192186     <ERROR> ~/tiscamera/build/src/aravis/aravis_utils.cpp:465: Unable to connect to gige-daemon. Using internal methods
194660     <ERROR> ~/tiscamera/build/src/aravis/aravis_utils.cpp:467: Aravis gave us 2
194811     <ERROR> ~/tiscamera/build/src/utils.cpp:305: Could not open file "/var/lock/gige-daemon.lock"
194887     <ERROR> ~/tiscamera/build/src/aravis/aravis_utils.cpp:465: Unable to connect to gige-daemon. Using internal methods
197688     <ERROR> ~/tiscamera/build/src/aravis/aravis_utils.cpp:467: Aravis gave us 2
215202     <DEBUG> Logger:107: 
The following library versions are used:
    Tcam:   0.11.1_master/2042bba_rev_2617
    Aravis: 0.6_version_1758883
215309     <INFO> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:426: Current framerate is 30 / 1 fps
216163     <WARNING> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:145: Unable to find std property. Passing raw property identifier through. 'Exposure Time (us)'(199e201)
216268     <WARNING> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:145: Unable to find std property. Passing raw property identifier through. 'Gain (dB/100)'(199e204)
216370     <INFO> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:1207: Encountered write only control.
216607     <WARNING> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:220: Detected stepsize 0 for property Strobe Delay. Setting to 1.
216791     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:270: Enum Trigger Polarity does not have any entries. Ignoring.
216827     <ERROR> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:1245: Property 'Trigger Polarity' is null
216997     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:710: Found format: Y800
217103     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:710: Found format: Y16
217155     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:257: Returning 2 formats.
217200     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/build/src/PipelineManager.cpp:127: Received 2 formats.
217284     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/build/src/PropertyHandler.cpp:273: Created 14 properties
217460     <INFO> ~/tiscamera/build/src/ImageSource.cpp:68: Source changed to state STOPPED
217495     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:567: Stopped stream
272089     <INFO> ~/tiscamera/build/src/CaptureDeviceImpl.cpp:159: Closed device DMK 23U274.
272479     <INFO> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:426: Current framerate is 30 / 1 fps
273470     <WARNING> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:145: Unable to find std property. Passing raw property identifier through. 'Exposure Time (us)'(199e201)
273545     <WARNING> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:145: Unable to find std property. Passing raw property identifier through. 'Gain (dB/100)'(199e204)
273622     <INFO> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:1207: Encountered write only control.
273810     <WARNING> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:220: Detected stepsize 0 for property Strobe Delay. Setting to 1.
273985     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:270: Enum Trigger Polarity does not have any entries. Ignoring.
274109     <ERROR> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:1245: Property 'Trigger Polarity' is null
274273     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:710: Found format: Y800
274382     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:710: Found format: Y16
274435     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:257: Returning 2 formats.
274478     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/build/src/PipelineManager.cpp:127: Received 2 formats.
274556     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/build/src/PropertyHandler.cpp:273: Created 14 properties
281429     <INFO> ~/tiscamera/build/src/gstreamer-1.0/tcamgstbase.cpp:659: Fixating assumed largest caps: video/x-raw, format=(string)GRAY16_LE, width=(int)1600, height=(int)1200, framerate=(fraction){ 20/1, 15/1, 10/1, 15/2, 5/1, 15/4 }, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1
FEHLER: Leitung möchte nicht pausiert werden.
FEHLER: Von Element /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstTcamBin:tcambin0: Could not create element 'tcamautoexposure'.
Zusätzliche Fehlerdiagnoseinformation:
Could not create element 'tcamautoexposure'.
Leitung wird auf NULL gesetzt ...
283728     <INFO> ~/tiscamera/build/src/ImageSource.cpp:68: Source changed to state STOPPED
283761     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:567: Stopped stream
341408     <ERROR> ~/tiscamera/build/src/utils.cpp:305: Could not open file "/var/lock/gige-daemon.lock"
341452     <ERROR> ~/tiscamera/build/src/aravis/aravis_utils.cpp:465: Unable to connect to gige-daemon. Using internal methods
346123     <INFO> ~/tiscamera/build/src/CaptureDeviceImpl.cpp:159: Closed device DMK 23U274.
397717     <ERROR> ~/tiscamera/build/src/aravis/aravis_utils.cpp:467: Aravis gave us 2
397906     <ERROR> ~/tiscamera/build/src/utils.cpp:305: Could not open file "/var/lock/gige-daemon.lock"
397982     <ERROR> ~/tiscamera/build/src/aravis/aravis_utils.cpp:465: Unable to connect to gige-daemon. Using internal methods
454934     <ERROR> ~/tiscamera/build/src/aravis/aravis_utils.cpp:467: Aravis gave us 2
Leitung wird geleert ...

Das Programmier-Beispiel funktioniert - für beide Kameras - leider auch nicht. Hier ist der Output für die in ./tcam-capture eigentlich teilweise funktionierende DFK.

qt5-camera-dialogs/build$ ./qt5-dialogs
qt5ct: using qt5ct plugin
qt5ct: D-Bus global menu: no
268393     <DEBUG> Logger:107: 
The following library versions are used:
    Tcam:   0.11.1_master/2042bba_rev_2617
    Aravis: 0.6_version_2042bba
272507     <ERROR> ~/tiscamera/src/utils.cpp:305: Could not open file "/var/lock/gige-daemon.lock"
272570     <ERROR> ~/tiscamera/src/aravis/aravis_utils.cpp:465: Unable to connect to gige-daemon. Using internal methods
282558     <ERROR> ~/tiscamera/src/aravis/aravis_utils.cpp:467: Aravis gave us 2
282711     <ERROR> ~/tiscamera/src/utils.cpp:305: Could not open file "/var/lock/gige-daemon.lock"
282787     <ERROR> ~/tiscamera/src/aravis/aravis_utils.cpp:465: Unable to connect to gige-daemon. Using internal methods
284994     <ERROR> ~/tiscamera/src/aravis/aravis_utils.cpp:467: Aravis gave us 2
306166     <INFO> ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:426: Current framerate is 30 / 1 fps
306480     <WARNING> ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:145: Unable to find std property. Passing raw property identifier through. 'Exposure Time (us)'(199e201)
307186     <WARNING> ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:145: Unable to find std property. Passing raw property identifier through. 'Gain (dB/100)'(199e204)
307298     <INFO> ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:1207: Encountered write only control.
307485     <WARNING> ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:220: Detected stepsize 0 for property Strobe Delay. Setting to 1.
307655     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:270: Enum Trigger Polarity does not have any entries. Ignoring.
307692     <ERROR> ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:1245: Property 'Trigger Polarity' is null
307976     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:710: Found format: RGGB
308088     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:710: Found format: Y800
308202     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:710: Found format: Y16
308253     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:257: Returning 3 formats.
308291     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/src/PipelineManager.cpp:127: Received 3 formats.
308390     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/src/PropertyHandler.cpp:273: Created 14 properties
308613     <INFO> ~/tiscamera/src/ImageSource.cpp:68: Source changed to state STOPPED
308668     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:567: Stopped stream
361936     <INFO> ~/tiscamera/src/CaptureDeviceImpl.cpp:159: Closed device DFK 23U274.
362436     <INFO> ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:426: Current framerate is 30 / 1 fps
362918     <WARNING> ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:145: Unable to find std property. Passing raw property identifier through. 'Exposure Time (us)'(199e201)
363055     <WARNING> ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:145: Unable to find std property. Passing raw property identifier through. 'Gain (dB/100)'(199e204)
363171     <INFO> ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:1207: Encountered write only control.
363392     <WARNING> ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:220: Detected stepsize 0 for property Strobe Delay. Setting to 1.
363549     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:270: Enum Trigger Polarity does not have any entries. Ignoring.
363592     <ERROR> ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:1245: Property 'Trigger Polarity' is null
364024     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:710: Found format: RGGB
364150     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:710: Found format: Y800
364279     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:710: Found format: Y16
364334     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:257: Returning 3 formats.
364377     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/src/PipelineManager.cpp:127: Received 3 formats.
364451     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/src/PropertyHandler.cpp:273: Created 14 properties
video/x-bayer rggb 1600 1200
video/x-raw GRAY8 1600 1200
video/x-raw GRAY16_LE 1600 1200
375306     <INFO> ~/tiscamera/src/ImageSource.cpp:68: Source changed to state STOPPED
375353     <DEBUG> ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:567: Stopped stream
431264     <ERROR> ~/tiscamera/src/utils.cpp:305: Could not open file "/var/lock/gige-daemon.lock"
431385     <ERROR> ~/tiscamera/src/aravis/aravis_utils.cpp:465: Unable to connect to gige-daemon. Using internal methods
436979     <INFO> ~/tiscamera/src/CaptureDeviceImpl.cpp:159: Closed device DFK 23U274.
490132     <ERROR> ~/tiscamera/src/aravis/aravis_utils.cpp:467: Aravis gave us 2
490202     <INFO> ~/tiscamera/src/gstreamer-1.0/gsttcamsrc.cpp:1093: GstObject tcamsrc does not exist. Messages will not be sent to the GstBus.
490352     <ERROR> ~/tiscamera/src/utils.cpp:305: Could not open file "/var/lock/gige-daemon.lock"
490414     <INFO> ~/tiscamera/src/gstreamer-1.0/gsttcamsrc.cpp:1093: GstObject tcamsrc does not exist. Messages will not be sent to the GstBus.
490495     <ERROR> ~/tiscamera/src/aravis/aravis_utils.cpp:465: Unable to connect to gige-daemon. Using internal methods
490537     <INFO> ~/tiscamera/src/gstreamer-1.0/gsttcamsrc.cpp:1093: GstObject tcamsrc does not exist. Messages will not be sent to the GstBus.
556394     <ERROR> ~/tiscamera/src/aravis/aravis_utils.cpp:467: Aravis gave us 2
556467     <INFO> ~/tiscamera/src/gstreamer-1.0/gsttcamsrc.cpp:1093: GstObject tcamsrc does not exist. Messages will not be sent to the GstBus.
656039     <ERROR> ~/tiscamera/src/utils.cpp:305: Could not open file "/var/lock/gige-daemon.lock"
656069     <INFO> ~/tiscamera/src/gstreamer-1.0/gsttcamsrc.cpp:1093: GstObject tcamsrc does not exist. Messages will not be sent to the GstBus.
656118     <ERROR> ~/tiscamera/src/aravis/aravis_utils.cpp:465: Unable to connect to gige-daemon. Using internal methods
656134     <INFO> ~/tiscamera/src/gstreamer-1.0/gsttcamsrc.cpp:1093: GstObject tcamsrc does not exist. Messages will not be sent to the GstBus.
Speicherzugriffsfehler (Speicherabzug geschrieben)
TIS-Stefan commented 4 years ago


es sieht so aus, als hätten Sie da eine Fehler gefunden. Die Ursache scheint zu sein, daß wir statt "Exposure" "Exposure (us)" bekommen und das scheint das tcamautoexposure nicht zu mögen.

Vielleicht können Sie das erstmal manuell im tcamautoexposure code ändern.


TIS-Stefan commented 4 years ago


Hello Poul

The only situation I could imagine is, that somewhat blocks the stream.  IC Express starts the live video as follows:

        private bool startVideo()         {             try             {                 icImagingControl1.LiveStart();                 _GraphStartTime = icImagingControl1.ReferenceTimeStart;                 return true;             }             catch (ICException iEx)             {                 MessageBox.Show("Error starting camera live stream:" + iEx.Message, "ic-express", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);             }             return false;         } As you can see, there is nothing special.


On Wed, 27th May 2020 at 5:01, TheImagingSource/tiscamera wrote:

Hallo, also ich habe nochmal alles neu installiert, wie im vorangegangenen Post vorgeschlagen. Diesmal mit Aravis (gige-daemon war vorher nicht installiert). Hatte leider keine Auswirkungen, das Problem besteht immer noch. Wenn beide Kameras angeschlossen sind, öffnet gst-launch-1.0 tcambin ! videoconvert ! ximagesink stets die DFK (Farbkamera). Die Farbkamera reagiert NICHT auf Helligkeitsänderung hinsichtlich autoexposure (Belichtungszeit wird nicht angepasst, wenn dunkler). Die entprechenden Slider (exposure min/max) sind in tcam-capture auch ausgegraut. Im Folgenden ist immer nur jeweils eine der beiden Kameras angeschlossen. Hier ist der Output mit DEBUG-Flag für die (teilweise) funktionierende DFK: ~$ gst-launch-1.0 tcambin ! videoconvert ! ximagesink Leitung wird auf PAUSIERT gesetzt ... 56086 Logger:107: The following library versions are used: Tcam: 0.11.1_master/2042bba_rev_2617 Aravis: 0.6_version_1758883 59912 Logger:107: The following library versions are used: Tcam: 0.11.1_master/2042bba_rev_2617 Aravis: 0.6_version_1758883 59948 ~/tiscamera/build/src/utils.cpp:305: Could not open file "/var/lock/gige-daemon.lock" 60030 ~/tiscamera/build/src/aravis/aravis_utils.cpp:465: Unable to connect to gige-daemon. Using internal methods 62518 ~/tiscamera/build/src/aravis/aravis_utils.cpp:467: Aravis gave us 2 62669 ~/tiscamera/build/src/utils.cpp:305: Could not open file "/var/lock/gige-daemon.lock" 62746 ~/tiscamera/build/src/aravis/aravis_utils.cpp:465: Unable to connect to gige-daemon. Using internal methods 65418 ~/tiscamera/build/src/aravis/aravis_utils.cpp:467: Aravis gave us 2 84697 Logger:107: The following library versions are used: Tcam: 0.11.1_master/2042bba_rev_2617 Aravis: 0.6_version_1758883 84783 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:426: Current framerate is 20 / 1 fps 85159 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:145: Unable to find std property. Passing raw property identifier through. 'Exposure Time (us)'(199e201) 85664 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:145: Unable to find std property. Passing raw property identifier through. 'Gain (dB/100)'(199e204) 85749 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:1207: Encountered write only control. 85947 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:220: Detected stepsize 0 for property Strobe Delay. Setting to 1. 86076 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:270: Enum Trigger Polarity does not have any entries. Ignoring. 86116 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:1245: Property 'Trigger Polarity' is null 86329 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:710: Found format: RGGB 86464 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:710: Found format: Y800 86577 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:710: Found format: Y16 86635 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:257: Returning 3 formats. 86679 ~/tiscamera/build/src/PipelineManager.cpp:127: Received 3 formats. 86783 ~/tiscamera/build/src/PropertyHandler.cpp:273: Created 14 properties 86989 ~/tiscamera/build/src/ImageSource.cpp:68: Source changed to state STOPPED 87030 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:567: Stopped stream 140483 ~/tiscamera/build/src/CaptureDeviceImpl.cpp:159: Closed device DFK 23U274. 140816 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:426: Current framerate is 20 / 1 fps 141453 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:145: Unable to find std property. Passing raw property identifier through. 'Exposure Time (us)'(199e201) 141555 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:145: Unable to find std property. Passing raw property identifier through. 'Gain (dB/100)'(199e204) 141634 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:1207: Encountered write only control. 141822 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:220: Detected stepsize 0 for property Strobe Delay. Setting to 1. 141945 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:270: Enum Trigger Polarity does not have any entries. Ignoring. 141986 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:1245: Property 'Trigger Polarity' is null 142144 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:710: Found format: RGGB 142254 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:710: Found format: Y800 142366 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:710: Found format: Y16 142440 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:257: Returning 3 formats. 142483 ~/tiscamera/build/src/PipelineManager.cpp:127: Received 3 formats. 142559 ~/tiscamera/build/src/PropertyHandler.cpp:273: Created 14 properties 150768 ~/tiscamera/build/src/gstreamer-1.0/tcamgstbase.cpp:659: Fixating assumed largest caps: video/x-bayer, format=(string)rggb, width=(int)1600, height=(int)1200, framerate=(fraction){ 20/1, 15/1, 10/1, 15/2, 5/1, 15/4 }, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1 151951 ~/tiscamera/build/src/gstreamer-1.0/tcamgstbase.cpp:659: Fixating assumed largest caps: video/x-bayer, framerate=(fraction)20/1, width=(int)1600, height=(int)1200, format=(string)rggb Leitung ist aktiv und erfordert keinen VORLAUF … INFO: Working with src caps: video/x-bayer, framerate=(fraction)20/1, width=(int)1600, height=(int)1200, format=(string)rggb 154606 ~/tiscamera/build/src/ImageSource.cpp:68: Source changed to state STOPPED 154627 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:567: Stopped stream 154667 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:171: Requested format change to 'format=RGGB,width=1600,height=1200,framerate=20,000000' 42474752 Leitung wird auf ABSPIELEN gesetzt ... New clock: GstSystemClock 156115 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:393: Setting framerate to '20,000000' = 20 / 1 156211 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:426: Current framerate is 20 / 1 fps 156231 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:237: Active format is: 'format=RGGB,width=1600,height=1200,framerate=20,000000' 156273 ~/tiscamera/build/src/PipelineManager.cpp:222: Found device fourcc 'RGGB' - 42474752 156287 ~/tiscamera/build/src/PipelineManager.cpp:222: Found device fourcc 'Y800' - 30303859 156301 ~/tiscamera/build/src/PipelineManager.cpp:222: Found device fourcc 'Y16' - 20363159 156320 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:171: Requested format change to 'format=RGGB,width=1600,height=1200,framerate=20,000000' 42474752 156520 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:393: Setting framerate to '20,000000' = 20 / 1 156576 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:426: Current framerate is 20 / 1 fps 156592 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:237: Active format is: 'format=RGGB,width=1600,height=1200,framerate=20,000000' 156604 ~/tiscamera/build/src/ImageBuffer.cpp:38: allocating data buffer 156640 ~/tiscamera/build/src/ImageBuffer.cpp:38: allocating data buffer 156662 ~/tiscamera/build/src/ImageBuffer.cpp:38: allocating data buffer 156682 ~/tiscamera/build/src/ImageBuffer.cpp:38: allocating data buffer 156714 ~/tiscamera/build/src/ImageBuffer.cpp:38: allocating data buffer 156733 ~/tiscamera/build/src/ImageBuffer.cpp:38: allocating data buffer 156754 ~/tiscamera/build/src/ImageBuffer.cpp:38: allocating data buffer 156775 ~/tiscamera/build/src/ImageBuffer.cpp:38: allocating data buffer 156794 ~/tiscamera/build/src/ImageBuffer.cpp:38: allocating data buffer 156812 ~/tiscamera/build/src/ImageBuffer.cpp:38: allocating data buffer 156833 ~/tiscamera/build/src/PipelineManager.cpp:476: Pipeline creation successful. 156846 ~/tiscamera/build/src/PipelineManager.cpp:486: source -> sink 156858 ~/tiscamera/build/src/ImageSink.cpp:51: Pipeline started playing 156874 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:1591: Will use 10 buffers Und hier ist der Output mit DEBUG-Flag für die nicht funktionierende DMK: ~$ gst-launch-1.0 tcambin ! videoconvert ! ximagesink Leitung wird auf PAUSIERT gesetzt ... 188112 Logger:107: The following library versions are used: Tcam: 0.11.1_master/2042bba_rev_2617 Aravis: 0.6_version_1758883 192115 Logger:107: The following library versions are used: Tcam: 0.11.1_master/2042bba_rev_2617 Aravis: 0.6_version_1758883 192146 ~/tiscamera/build/src/utils.cpp:305: Could not open file "/var/lock/gige-daemon.lock" 192186 ~/tiscamera/build/src/aravis/aravis_utils.cpp:465: Unable to connect to gige-daemon. Using internal methods 194660 ~/tiscamera/build/src/aravis/aravis_utils.cpp:467: Aravis gave us 2 194811 ~/tiscamera/build/src/utils.cpp:305: Could not open file "/var/lock/gige-daemon.lock" 194887 ~/tiscamera/build/src/aravis/aravis_utils.cpp:465: Unable to connect to gige-daemon. Using internal methods 197688 ~/tiscamera/build/src/aravis/aravis_utils.cpp:467: Aravis gave us 2 215202 Logger:107: The following library versions are used: Tcam: 0.11.1_master/2042bba_rev_2617 Aravis: 0.6_version_1758883 215309 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:426: Current framerate is 30 / 1 fps 216163 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:145: Unable to find std property. Passing raw property identifier through. 'Exposure Time (us)'(199e201) 216268 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:145: Unable to find std property. Passing raw property identifier through. 'Gain (dB/100)'(199e204) 216370 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:1207: Encountered write only control. 216607 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:220: Detected stepsize 0 for property Strobe Delay. Setting to 1. 216791 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:270: Enum Trigger Polarity does not have any entries. Ignoring. 216827 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:1245: Property 'Trigger Polarity' is null 216997 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:710: Found format: Y800 217103 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:710: Found format: Y16 217155 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:257: Returning 2 formats. 217200 ~/tiscamera/build/src/PipelineManager.cpp:127: Received 2 formats. 217284 ~/tiscamera/build/src/PropertyHandler.cpp:273: Created 14 properties 217460 ~/tiscamera/build/src/ImageSource.cpp:68: Source changed to state STOPPED 217495 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:567: Stopped stream 272089 ~/tiscamera/build/src/CaptureDeviceImpl.cpp:159: Closed device DMK 23U274. 272479 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:426: Current framerate is 30 / 1 fps 273470 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:145: Unable to find std property. Passing raw property identifier through. 'Exposure Time (us)'(199e201) 273545 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:145: Unable to find std property. Passing raw property identifier through. 'Gain (dB/100)'(199e204) 273622 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:1207: Encountered write only control. 273810 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:220: Detected stepsize 0 for property Strobe Delay. Setting to 1. 273985 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:270: Enum Trigger Polarity does not have any entries. Ignoring. 274109 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:1245: Property 'Trigger Polarity' is null 274273 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:710: Found format: Y800 274382 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:710: Found format: Y16 274435 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:257: Returning 2 formats. 274478 ~/tiscamera/build/src/PipelineManager.cpp:127: Received 2 formats. 274556 ~/tiscamera/build/src/PropertyHandler.cpp:273: Created 14 properties 281429 ~/tiscamera/build/src/gstreamer-1.0/tcamgstbase.cpp:659: Fixating assumed largest caps: video/x-raw, format=(string)GRAY16_LE, width=(int)1600, height=(int)1200, framerate=(fraction){ 20/1, 15/1, 10/1, 15/2, 5/1, 15/4 }, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1 FEHLER: Leitung möchte nicht pausiert werden. FEHLER: Von Element /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstTcamBin:tcambin0: Could not create element 'tcamautoexposure'. Zusätzliche Fehlerdiagnoseinformation: Could not create element 'tcamautoexposure'. Leitung wird auf NULL gesetzt ... 283728 ~/tiscamera/build/src/ImageSource.cpp:68: Source changed to state STOPPED 283761 ~/tiscamera/build/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:567: Stopped stream 341408 ~/tiscamera/build/src/utils.cpp:305: Could not open file "/var/lock/gige-daemon.lock" 341452 ~/tiscamera/build/src/aravis/aravis_utils.cpp:465: Unable to connect to gige-daemon. Using internal methods 346123 ~/tiscamera/build/src/CaptureDeviceImpl.cpp:159: Closed device DMK 23U274. 397717 ~/tiscamera/build/src/aravis/aravis_utils.cpp:467: Aravis gave us 2 397906 ~/tiscamera/build/src/utils.cpp:305: Could not open file "/var/lock/gige-daemon.lock" 397982 ~/tiscamera/build/src/aravis/aravis_utils.cpp:465: Unable to connect to gige-daemon. Using internal methods 454934 ~/tiscamera/build/src/aravis/aravis_utils.cpp:467: Aravis gave us 2 Leitung wird geleert ... ~$ Das Programmier-Beispiel funktioniert - FÜR BEIDE KAMERAS - leider auch nicht. Hier ist der Output für die in ./tcam-capture eigentlich teilweise funktionierende DFK. qt5-camera-dialogs/build$ ./qt5-dialogs qt5ct: using qt5ct plugin qt5ct: D-Bus global menu: no 268393 Logger:107: The following library versions are used: Tcam: 0.11.1_master/2042bba_rev_2617 Aravis: 0.6_version_2042bba 272507 ~/tiscamera/src/utils.cpp:305: Could not open file "/var/lock/gige-daemon.lock" 272570 ~/tiscamera/src/aravis/aravis_utils.cpp:465: Unable to connect to gige-daemon. Using internal methods 282558 ~/tiscamera/src/aravis/aravis_utils.cpp:467: Aravis gave us 2 282711 ~/tiscamera/src/utils.cpp:305: Could not open file "/var/lock/gige-daemon.lock" 282787 ~/tiscamera/src/aravis/aravis_utils.cpp:465: Unable to connect to gige-daemon. Using internal methods 284994 ~/tiscamera/src/aravis/aravis_utils.cpp:467: Aravis gave us 2 306166 ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:426: Current framerate is 30 / 1 fps 306480 ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:145: Unable to find std property. Passing raw property identifier through. 'Exposure Time (us)'(199e201) 307186 ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:145: Unable to find std property. Passing raw property identifier through. 'Gain (dB/100)'(199e204) 307298 ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:1207: Encountered write only control. 307485 ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:220: Detected stepsize 0 for property Strobe Delay. Setting to 1. 307655 ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:270: Enum Trigger Polarity does not have any entries. Ignoring. 307692 ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:1245: Property 'Trigger Polarity' is null 307976 ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:710: Found format: RGGB 308088 ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:710: Found format: Y800 308202 ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:710: Found format: Y16 308253 ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:257: Returning 3 formats. 308291 ~/tiscamera/src/PipelineManager.cpp:127: Received 3 formats. 308390 ~/tiscamera/src/PropertyHandler.cpp:273: Created 14 properties 308613 ~/tiscamera/src/ImageSource.cpp:68: Source changed to state STOPPED 308668 ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:567: Stopped stream 361936 ~/tiscamera/src/CaptureDeviceImpl.cpp:159: Closed device DFK 23U274. 362436 ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:426: Current framerate is 30 / 1 fps 362918 ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:145: Unable to find std property. Passing raw property identifier through. 'Exposure Time (us)'(199e201) 363055 ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:145: Unable to find std property. Passing raw property identifier through. 'Gain (dB/100)'(199e204) 363171 ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:1207: Encountered write only control. 363392 ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:220: Detected stepsize 0 for property Strobe Delay. Setting to 1. 363549 ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/v4l2_utils.cpp:270: Enum Trigger Polarity does not have any entries. Ignoring. 363592 ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:1245: Property 'Trigger Polarity' is null 364024 ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:710: Found format: RGGB 364150 ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:710: Found format: Y800 364279 ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:710: Found format: Y16 364334 ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:257: Returning 3 formats. 364377 ~/tiscamera/src/PipelineManager.cpp:127: Received 3 formats. 364451 ~/tiscamera/src/PropertyHandler.cpp:273: Created 14 properties video/x-bayer rggb 1600 1200 video/x-raw GRAY8 1600 1200 video/x-raw GRAY16_LE 1600 1200 375306 ~/tiscamera/src/ImageSource.cpp:68: Source changed to state STOPPED 375353 ~/tiscamera/src/v4l2/V4l2Device.cpp:567: Stopped stream 431264 ~/tiscamera/src/utils.cpp:305: Could not open file "/var/lock/gige-daemon.lock" 431385 ~/tiscamera/src/aravis/aravis_utils.cpp:465: Unable to connect to gige-daemon. Using internal methods 436979 ~/tiscamera/src/CaptureDeviceImpl.cpp:159: Closed device DFK 23U274. 490132 ~/tiscamera/src/aravis/aravis_utils.cpp:467: Aravis gave us 2 490202 ~/tiscamera/src/gstreamer-1.0/gsttcamsrc.cpp:1093: GstObject tcamsrc does not exist. Messages will not be sent to the GstBus. 490352 ~/tiscamera/src/utils.cpp:305: Could not open file "/var/lock/gige-daemon.lock" 490414 ~/tiscamera/src/gstreamer-1.0/gsttcamsrc.cpp:1093: GstObject tcamsrc does not exist. Messages will not be sent to the GstBus. 490495 ~/tiscamera/src/aravis/aravis_utils.cpp:465: Unable to connect to gige-daemon. Using internal methods 490537 ~/tiscamera/src/gstreamer-1.0/gsttcamsrc.cpp:1093: GstObject tcamsrc does not exist. Messages will not be sent to the GstBus. 556394 ~/tiscamera/src/aravis/aravis_utils.cpp:467: Aravis gave us 2 556467 ~/tiscamera/src/gstreamer-1.0/gsttcamsrc.cpp:1093: GstObject tcamsrc does not exist. Messages will not be sent to the GstBus. OnOK 656039 ~/tiscamera/src/utils.cpp:305: Could not open file "/var/lock/gige-daemon.lock" 656069 ~/tiscamera/src/gstreamer-1.0/gsttcamsrc.cpp:1093: GstObject tcamsrc does not exist. Messages will not be sent to the GstBus. 656118 ~/tiscamera/src/aravis/aravis_utils.cpp:465: Unable to connect to gige-daemon. Using internal methods 656134 ~/tiscamera/src/gstreamer-1.0/gsttcamsrc.cpp:1093: GstObject tcamsrc does not exist. Messages will not be sent to the GstBus. Speicherzugriffsfehler (Speicherabzug geschrieben) — You are receiving this because you commented. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub [], or unsubscribe []. []

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strolch101 commented 4 years ago


es sieht so aus, als hätten Sie da eine Fehler gefunden. Die Ursache scheint zu sein, daß wir statt "Exposure" "Exposure (us)" bekommen und das scheint das tcamautoexposure nicht zu mögen.

Vielleicht können Sie das erstmal manuell im tcamautoexposure code ändern.


Hallo Stefan,

Ich bin nicht sicher ob ich richtig verstanden habe. Wo genau soll ich "Exposure" zu "Exposure (us)" ändern? In der Datei ~/tiscamera/src/gstreamer-1.0/gsttcamautoexposure.cpp ist entweder nur "Exposure Auto" zu finden oder die folgenden Codezeilen:

if (category)
            g_value_init(category, G_TYPE_STRING);
            g_value_set_string(category, "Exposure");
        if (group)
            g_value_init(group, G_TYPE_STRING);
            g_value_set_string(group, "Exposure");
        return TRUE;

Letztere habe ich in der gesamten Datei zu "Exposure (us)" geändert, allerdings ohne Erfolg.

TIS-Stefan commented 4 years ago


tcam-capture zeigt es als "Exposure Time (us)" an. Da habe ich leider nicht aufgepasst. Allerdings ist die Stelle der Änderung falsch, was ich bisher nicht wußte, da ich nicht der Programmierer bin.

Ich habe selbst folgende Änderungen versucht: In property_identifactions.h


In standard_properties.h

        "Exposure (Absolute)",
        //"Exposure Time (us)",

Leider erfolglos. Aber immerhin ist die Warnung nun: <WARNING> v4l2_utils.cpp:145: Unable to find std property. Passing raw property identifier through. 'Exposure Time (us)'(199e201) Wenn ich eine DxK 23U274 anschließe, dann wird mit tiscamera 0.12.0, heute morgen released, immer ein Livevideo in gst-launch und tcam-capture angezeigt. Die Exposure Automatik funktioniert nicht korrekt, da sie nur Gain, nicht aber die Belichtungszeit ändert.

Wie gesagt, ich kenne den Sourcecode selbst nicht so genau. als daß ich wüßte, wo ich da genau eingreifen muss. Ich habe aber den Kollegen bereits informiert.


TIS-Stefan commented 4 years ago

Hallo Folgende Änderung löst das Problem für die 23U:

tiscamera 0.12.0, eventuell ein git pull machen, vielleicht alles erst löschen und dann komplett neu bauen. In tiscamera/src/v4l2/v4l2_property_mapping.h ab Zeile 40:




ändern. Neu bauen, installieren und ausprobieren.


strolch101 commented 3 years ago


sorry for the late response / late issue closing. New tiscamera version 0.12 fixed the problem. It wasn't even necessary to uncomment the mentioned section, but it is good to know - just in case. Thank you for your support!