TheImagingSource / tiscamera

The Linux SDK for The Imaging Source cameras.
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Pixel artefacts during hardware trigger mode [DFM 22BUC03-ML] #512

Closed chutsu closed 2 months ago

chutsu commented 1 year ago

I have a DFM 22BUC03-ML connected to my laptop. I'm experimenting with hardware triggering the camera, I have done this by programming a Arduino to set a pin HIGH and LOW periodically within the camera's frame-rate. What I have noticed when I inspect the images via tcam-capture is that during hardware-trigger mode the image contains pixel-artefacts as if there are dead pixels in the image, however as soon as I switch back to software-trigger by going to Properties > Trigger > Trigger Mode > Off, the pixel artefacts disappears.

I have tried:

to no avail.

Screenshot of tcam-capture in hardware trigger mode, I have the camera lens cap on for illustration purposes only. From the screenshot you can see a sprinkle of red / blue pixels. This disappears as soon as I turn trigger mode to software trigger. Screenshot from 2023-02-28 13-08-49

Hardware Trigger with Pixel Artefacts Screenshot from 2023-02-28 13-24-10

Software Trigger without Pixel Artefacts Screenshot from 2023-02-28 13-23-56

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TIS-Stefan commented 1 year ago


I am afraid, this is caused by the camera and can not be fixed. I am aware, that is a non helpful answer and I am a little bit ashamed.


chutsu commented 1 year ago

To clarify, is this caused by the sensor or some internal hardware / software issue? To say I'm dissapointed would be an under-statement as I plan on doing camera calibration with these sensors ... not entirely sure how to proceed with these pixel artifacts.

TIS-Stefan commented 1 year ago


I asked the firmware team and wait for an answer. Could you give me the serial number of the camera?


chutsu commented 1 year ago


TIS-Stefan commented 1 year ago


My firmware team answered. They say, it is a known sensor issue, that can not be changed.


chutsu commented 1 year ago

I purchased the cameras from a distributor in the UK almost over a year ago. Is there a chance I can return based on the fact these cameras do not meet my requirements. Hardware triggering is the primary reason why I purchased theses industrial cameras in the first place and I feel duped into purchasing these cameras with a known sensor issue... I don't feel this is an acceptable issue to anyone who uses these cameras.

TIS-Stefan commented 1 year ago

Please ask your distributor. But waiting over a year for seeing this issue is a little bit long.


TIS-Edgar commented 2 months ago

Closed due to inactivity.