TheIronYard--Orlando / 2015--SUMMER--FEE

Class repository for the FEE students of the Summer 2015 at @TheIronYard--Orlando
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02 -- Tools on Tuesday -- Jorge Hernandez #28

Closed jorgehjr84 closed 9 years ago

jorgehjr84 commented 9 years ago



The second stage of the Writing Process is Drafting: writing a series of quick, rough attempts at cohesive thought with minimal editing. Through this process, the author revises her stance on the organization and presentation of the ideas in the piece, also revising her outline in the process. Your next step towards your essay is to produce your first Rough Draft, although you might produce many. Keep them all in the file, adding commits for each as you go. Don't clobber your outline! Keep it around and revise it as you go. In the next stage, you'll start revising your drafts and outline into your final essay.

Tonight, add 10 more entries to about/ for some of the operators we covered today in class, and particularly include that weirdo: typeof. There are some others like him in the documentation; bonus points for covering some crazy cousins. Also include coverage of the function keyword and include examples of function definitions and invocations. Identify the pieces and parts of your examples with code comments. If you're struggling with the format of your documentation, try following the example below:

# About JavaScript

## Operators

### Arithmetic

#### `+` -- addition

Given two `Number` values, produces the sum of those values as another `Number`. For example:

    1 + 1 // yields 2
    2 + 2 // yields 4

. . .

## Functions

Functions are a form of [control flow]( used in computer programs... (you fill in the rest)

### `function` keyword

The `function` keyword is used to _define_ a function with parentheses and curly braces:

    // This is a Function Definition for `whatever`...
    function whatever ( /* arguments go here */ ) {
      // body of function goes here

Once a function has been defined, it can be _invoked_ by... (get the picture?)

JavaScript Koans

A koan is "a story, dialogue, question, or statement which is used in Zen practice to ... test a student's progress." Many people have contributed to sets of koans for learning programming languages, as well. The JavaScript Koans maintained by David Laing are good practice problems to help you gauge your understanding of JavaScript. Fork and clone his repository so that you can work on the problems locally. Just opening the KoansRunner.html file in a browser is sufficient (open KoansRunner.html); remember to reload the page after you save!

Create a branch in your cloned fork called 02--tools-on-tuesday and commit your work to that branch. Push your branch to Github (git push) and open a Pull Request from your 02--tools-on-tuesday branch into the master branch of your fork... not the original. Didn't you know you could do that? Remember to link your open PR to your WIP Issue in the class repo!

In addition to NORMAL MODE, complete AboutObjects.js, AboutMutability.js, AboutHigherOrderFunctions.js as well.


Complete all of the koans.

Additional Resources

jorgehjr84 commented 9 years ago

jorgehjr84 commented 9 years ago

al-the-x commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the link to the other PR. Remember to link to your repo, too.

al-the-x commented 9 years ago

Please review and close.