TheIronYard--Orlando / 2015--SUMMER--FEE

Class repository for the FEE students of the Summer 2015 at @TheIronYard--Orlando
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37 -- Reign of Firebase #405

Closed al-the-x closed 9 years ago

al-the-x commented 9 years ago

Rituals (~1h 15m)

al-the-x commented 9 years ago


al-the-x commented 9 years ago

Three Little Things

  1. ng-annotate vs gulp-ng-annotate vs WTF IS THIS EVEN DOING!?
  2. How U firebase deploy?

     $> npm install --global firebase-tools
     Installing firebase-tools...
     $> cd path/to/project/dist
     $> firebase init
     Please login: . . .
     Please pick your Firebase app to deploy: . . .
     What is your public directory? . . .
     Saving firebase.json
     $> firebase deploy
     Deploying to Firebase app: . . .
     Here's your URL: blah blah blah
     $> firebase open
  3. How U process forms with Angular JS?
  4. How should I divide tasks?
al-the-x commented 9 years ago

al-the-x commented 9 years ago