TheIronYard--Orlando / 2015--SUMMER--ROR

Resources and homework for the Summer 2015 Ruby on Rails cohort @TheIronYard--Orlando.
9 stars 6 forks source link

18--AyyPeeEye--Heidi Roude #138

Open HRoude opened 9 years ago

HRoude commented 9 years ago


Granular App

Address the open issue in the granular app. Push your code from local to your github granular app repo, and open a PR from there to the class granular app repo.


Sign up for Meetup and (sections 1-4 are mostly review; also read 5, 8, and 9)

HRoude commented 9 years ago

Link for codewars kata solutions and tests

Leslie and I worked together jointly on all of these. We both typed for ourselves; bounced ideas off each other; and both tested ideas simultaneously in irb. All 3 solutions were joint efforts.

HRoude commented 9 years ago

Link for Journal Week 5

HRoude commented 9 years ago

Honestly, no time to focus on granular_app, though it is probably what I need practice on most. Spent all of afternoon working with Leslie on the 3 Codewar Katas and didn't leave the school until after 6pm. Due to family issues, only got the journaling done and going to go in tomorrow at 7am and get all the reading done for this week.